Streamlining User Management with Enhanced Inactive User Handling


Efficient user management is a top priority in the world of software development. However, dealing with inactive users has long been a challenge for developers. This often-overlooked aspect of user management can lead to cluttered systems and inefficiencies. Fortunately, a set of new features has been introduced to address this issue, offering developers streamlined solutions.


The Solution

To tackle this challenge, two new GET endpoints have been introduced in the headless-admin-user application:


Status can be either "active" or "inactive," allowing you to fetch users by their status.



This endpoint lets you retrieve a user by their email address, regardless of their current status.


In addition to these endpoints, a new readOnly field called status has been incorporated into the UserAccount entity. This field has two possible values: "Active" or "Inactive" and is included in the response for every endpoint returning a UserAccount or a collection of UserAccounts.


Key Response Fields


The response from these endpoints includes the following fields:


userID (now represented as id)

firstName (now represented as givenName)

lastName (now represented as familyName)


Role (now represented as roleBriefs)

Status (either "active" or "inactive")


These enhancements make it easier than ever for developers to manage inactive users efficiently. Whether you need to list all inactive users or find a specific user by their email address, the new endpoints provide the flexibility and convenience required to streamline user management.


Permission Separation


Before the introduction of this feature, managing user activation and deactivation required the "Delete" permission. However, with the newly introduced permissions, you can now separate "Activate" and "Inactivate" permissions. This separation enables fine-grained control, allowing you to grant only the necessary permissions to users.


In conclusion, the introduction of these features simplifies the handling of inactive users, an often overlooked but crucial aspect of user management. With these enhancements, developers can ensure that their systems remain well-organized and responsive to their user base's needs while also improving security through permission separation.


This feature will be available in the upcoming Q4 quarterly release.