Streamlining User Invitation Forms with Entry Removal


This feature addresses the inconvenience of not being able to remove specific entries from user invitation forms, enhancing the user experience for admin users who create these forms. It solves the problem of inefficient form management, allowing users to remove entries without starting over.

The feature enables users to remove entries from the invitation form by clicking a designated removal button, with a confirmation modal to prevent accidental removal.




For Developers:


To remove an entry, identify how it is stored. In this case, entries are stored in an array as objects with unique IDs and associated data.

To remove an entry, use its ID to locate it in the array and modify the array by removing the corresponding item.


For Users:


To remove an entry from the invitation form, simply click the removal button located in the top-right corner of the entry.

A confirmation modal will appear to prevent accidental removal, ensuring a secure and intentional action.


This feature will be available in the upcoming Q4 quarterly release.