Staging updates

1.Deprecate Relationship modules

We have deprecated a the following modules:

  • portal-relationship-api

  • portal-relationship-impl

  • portal-model-relationship-document-library-impl

  • portal-model-relationship-dynamic-data-mapping-impl

Our plan is to remove these modules after 12 months of being deprecated.


2.Warn about friendly URL collision(s) in Site Template Sites relationship at page editing

Previously it was difficult for Site Administrators and Site Template Administrators to check if there is friendly URL conflict during page configuration. This feature helps them to prevent using the same friendly URL for multiple pages.

From the perspective of Site Template Administrator this feature has 3 major components:

  • At site template page creation: Prevent the possible conflict at page creation, by showing a warning popup, when any of the sites created from this template has an already existing page with the same friendly URL. Note that the new page form only has a “Page Name” field and does not have a “Friendly URL” field. This means that we only predict the collision based on the name of the page, that will generate a specific friendly URL after the creation.

  • When viewing a site template page configuration from: In the page configuration form, under the “Friendly URL” field, we show a warning message when a collision can be detected. This warning message shows the list of pages and sites where a conflict was detected. E.g.: A site template admin decides to add a page called “About Us” to the template. However, some sites have already been created from this template, and some their administrators already added an “About Us” page to their ow sites. In this case, all pages will have the “/about-us” friendly URL. Since we can’t have multiple pages inside a site with the same friendly URL, then these pages will not be propagated. However, this new feature will tell the site template administrators that these conflicts exist, and they can resolve them manually by discussing it with the sites' owners.
    The configure page link is displayed when the template admins also have permissions to edit the conflicting page’s configuration:


  • When updating a site template page’s configuration: when a friendly URL is changed in the page configuration, that did not collide before with the page friendly URLs in the sites created from this template, but the editing results in a conflict, we also get a warning popup.

From the perspective of Site Administrator this feature has 3 major components ,too:

  • At site page creation: Prevent the possible conflict at page creation, by showing a warning popup, when the site template from which this site was created has an already existing page with the same friendly URL. Note that the new page form only has a “Page Name” field and does not have a “Friendly URL” field. This means that we only predict the collision based on the name of the page, that will generate a specific friendly URL after the creation.

  • When viewing a site page configuration from: In the page configuration form, under the “Friendly URL” field, we show a warning message when a collision can be detected. This warning message shows the link to the site template page where a conflict was detected. E.g.: The site template propagation is turned off and the site admin creates a page called “About” in the site. However, the site template admin already created a page in the template called “About”, it’s just not propagated yet. In this case, both pages will have the “/about” friendly URL. Since we can’t have multiple pages inside a site with the same friendly URL, then these pages will not be propagated. However, this new feature will tell the site page administrators that these conflicts exist, and they can resolve them manually by discussing it with the site template owners.
    The configure page link is displayed when the site admins also have permissions to edit the conflicting site template page’s configuration:


    When the user doesn’t have the permission:

  • When updating a site page’s configuration: when a friendly URL is changed in the page configuration, that did not collide before with the page friendly URLs in the site template from which this site was created, but the editing results in a conflict, we also get a warning popup.