Staging enhancements 2023/06/25

1. Make the summary of the failed staging publication more informative

The Staging Processes Portlet allows for displaying a Summary of past publications which helps to track what options authors have selected for a particular publications (which pages, configurations, etc.)
This, however, was not possible for failed publications. From now on, the users can see the details of a failed staging publication in the summary of the failed process.

2. Remove the exported Site and Portlet LAR files from the Document and Media library periodically

There are some use cases where keeping LAR files in the Document and Media Library is not reasonable. That LAR files make the later LAR files bigger unnecessarily. We want to remove such LAR files from Document and Media library.

Site and Portlet exports put the LAR files to DM, it's expected, so we can download the LAR files. We can improve this, for example with deleting LAR files older then e.g. 1 month.

We have added a warning message to the export page/function about the deletion of LARs from Document Library after 30 days. Also scheduled an automatic LAR cleanup process, which removes LARs from Document Library.

3. Remove the imported Site and Portlet LAR files from the Document and Media library

Whenever an import operation occurs, the uploaded LAR file is saved in the document library.
Gradually and without user intervention, the number of saved files, which is redundant, can grow and take up a significant amount of space.

Instead of relying just on human intervention to avoid the above, we have implemented an automated cleanup process.

The cleanup process removes import entries when the present moment has passed 30 days from their modified date. Also the import LAR is not kept after import process. We have also added warning messages for both of these features to the page/function where the user can import a site or a portlet data.

4. Add custom urls to web content's content

On LPS-136108 the validation of the web content's content was added for Liferay layout urls. Before this, there was no validation, so users could create their customizations where they could add different urls to web content's content. After the validation was added, the some custom urls became unable to be added to web content's content. From user perspective this was a feature loss, so we decided to deliver a feature to make users able to add their custom urls to web content's content field. This feature is about adding a configuration for storing user's relative url patterns.

This feature adds a new configuration value(s) called “Whitelisted URL Pattern” under:

System Settings ==> Infrastructure ==> VIRTUAL INSTANCE SCOPE ==> Export/Import, Staging
Instance Settings ==> Infrastructure ==> VIRTUAL INSTANCE SCOPE ==> Export/Import, Staging

This configuration exists on virtual instance (company) level of scope, but a default value can be defined on system level too. Virtual instance configuration overrides the system level, if defined. If only the system level is defined, then that will be used by the virtual instances.

This does not mean that the configuration values are aggregated! So adding “/abc/” on system level and “/xyz/” on virtual instance level will mean that only “/xyz/uvw” will be valid, but “/abc/def” will not.