Radio Liferay Episode 48: James Falkner on Release Plans and the 6.2 CE GA3 release

  A short Inbetweenisode on the release of 6.2 CE GA3 with repeat guest and Community Manager James Falkner. During Devcon James promised the release for the 15. January - while I stated that this release date was wishful thinking. Now we actually hit the promised release date for the first time known to both of us. Enough reason to get together and talk about the underlying cause and intents.

We're talking about general release practice and the plan that was put together last October, how Liferay CE will be delivered and how we're preparing to meet the promise. There's a 6 month release plan for new CE releases - and there will continue to be only one updated version of CE, e.g. once 7.0 is out, there won't be any more updates to 6.2 CE. If you need long term stability and support you should shoot for an Enterprise Edition subscription. This ensures your support for 5 years from release.

We also talk about the next release dates, how to get issues scheduled for that release (hint: Get votes on the issue, talk about it). Also, you get new ideas and features into the next release by rolling the drum for your idea - file an issue and do some marketing for it. This way it will float to the top and get recognized.

James has a quite thorough blog article about the content of 6.2 GA3 which contains quite a lot of fixed issues and - as is typical for maintenance releases - no new features.

To keep up to date on what to expect for Liferay 7.0, keep an eye on the milestones (coming out every 2 months) and Jorge's blog articles about them.

Follow @RadioLiferay, @schtool (James) and @olafk (me) on twitter.

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Question on Episode: 38 for Alberto Chaparro or Someone who can answer.
Alberto mentioned about a portlet migration tool as well as step by step guide to theme migration from 6.1 to 6.2.
Can you provide the links for both of these resources.
I cannot find them.
Sorry for the later answer, I seem to have missed your comment back then. The shownotes for Episode 38 (the blog post at mention the github location and the tool is mentioned again in episode 47 with its new home in (see shownotes)