Portal Pack JSF Portlet (Woodstock) Page Navigation Issue - workaround

There is an issue with JSF Portlet (Woodstock portlet) with page navigation created by Portal Pack 3.x and running on Liferay Server. So if you have page navigation inside jsf portlet, then no component in the portlet is shown when try to navigate to the a second page.But if you reload the page, the portlet is shown properly. This behaviour is there only with Firefox, but it works fine with IE.

So the detail steps to reproduce this issue  are

  1. Create a JSF portlet app using portal pack that uses page naviagation (say from page1 to page2)
  2. Deploy the portlet app
  3. Click on some botton in page1 to naviagate to page

Issue:Page2 of the JSF portlet is not rendered untill a referesh.Issue not seen in IE..

So now the good news is, there's a workaround

From the jsf jsp page remove webuiAll="true" attribute from <webuijsf:themeLinks....../> tag. Everything works perfectly in Firefox & IE after removing this attribute.
