Portal Pack 3.0.4 - For NetBeans 6.9 & Liferay 6 Developers

If you are a NetBeans user and always wanted to try Portal Pack with latest NetBeans 6.9 and LIferay 6, here is the good news.

So there is a new version Portal Pack 3.0.4 available at Portal Pack project site. This version supports NetBeans 6.9 and Liferay 6.

You can check this blog for more details



Hi, I already knew this useful package. Unfortunately seems that in the NetBeans website the file is no more available. Anyone can suggest me another place where to download? Thank you for your help.
Found the mistake, how netbeans website generate the url. Here the correct one: http://netbeans.org/projects/contrib/downloads/download/portalpack/pp304/portal-pack-plugin-3_0_4_all.zip
Portal Pack 3.0.4 can't be installed in Netbeans 7. How can I make it work?