People Who Use Liferay (Redux)

At Liferay, we seek to empower people with the right resources to help them achieve what they could not achieve on their own. We know there are people who possess amazing vision, and some who just simply need a digital “megaphone” (if you will) to help share their story.

That’s a big part of why Liferay exists. We enjoy giving people a platform to make an impact on their communities, whether those people are dedicated users, customers or their very own contributors.

Thus, People Who Use Liferay.* 

PWUL is a series of posts that will feature companies and their sites built on Liferay Portal. Every couple of months we look to highlight these unique projects. Our hope is that sharing their story would inspire and compel you to share yours.

For this post, we came across three companies from various industries whose sites have caught our attention. Here’s a brief description of their company and a link to their site below:

  • - Allianz is one of the largest global financial service providers with offerings to more than 75 million customers in 70 countries. Their site makes good use of Liferay functionality with several custom components while enabling users to create accounts and search for quotes.
  • - QAD provides Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software to manufacturing companies around the globe. Their site is noted for its easy navigation, multi-device usability, and solid overall design.
  • - Grass Roots is a leading provider of employee and customer engagement solutions, including consulting on incentives and meetings/events. Their site grabs your attention with its combination of colors and graphics, but it also offers a clear high-level overview of what they do and how you can benefit.

We hope these sites give you an idea of the types of stories that you can tell on Liferay. A big part of our reward is seeing all the wonderful and innovative things that people are doing with our technology.

If you would like to see more sites using Liferay, feel free to check out our case studies page.

As always, we would love to hear feeback on what we could do to make your experience better. We look forward to continue equipping you with tools you need to reach your business goals.



*Similar posts have been published in the past; we are hoping to revive the tradition. 

**Screenshots of the companies and their webpages are copyrighted materials of Allianz, QAD and Grass Roots, respectively.

Liferay: Nerd On The Street is a blog devoted to sharing new ideas about business and technology. To continue the discussion, post your questions or comments below.

Love to see what people can accomplish with the right tools. Good work to all 3!