New Style Paginator of Liferay

A lot of Chinese like some other styles of paginators, this is one I modify the existing jsp page a little to implement it, I think somebody else must have some better ways, please give me some suggestions, thanks. :)

Modify "html\taglib\ui\page_iterator\page\start.jsp"

<div class="search-pages">
   <c:if test='<%= type.equals("regular") %>'>
    <div class="page-selector">
     <liferay-ui:message key="page" />


      int pagesIteratorMax = maxPages;
      int pagesIteratorBegin = 1;
      int pagesIteratorEnd = pages;

      if (pages > pagesIteratorMax) {
       pagesIteratorBegin = curValue - pagesIteratorMax;
       pagesIteratorEnd = curValue + pagesIteratorMax;

       if (pagesIteratorBegin < 1) {
        pagesIteratorBegin = 1;

       if (pagesIteratorEnd > pages) {
        pagesIteratorEnd = pages;

      for (int i = curValue-7; i <= curValue+7; i++) {
       if (i<1){ continue;}

       if (i == curValue){
      <a class="next" href href="<%= _getHREF(formName, curParam, i, jsCall, url, urlAnchor) %>" target="<%= target %>"><%=i%></a>


     <liferay-ui:message key="of" />

     <%= numberFormat.format(pages) %>

     <%--<input class="page-iterator-submit" type="submit" value="<liferay-ui:message key="submit" />" />--%>

