New Liferay IntelliJ Plugin Released

Hello all,

Today we are pleased to announce the official release of Liferay IntelliJ Plugin. Liferay IntelliJ Plugin is a plugin for Jetbrains IntelliJ to support developing Liferay components.

For customers, they can download Liferay IntelliJ Plugin here . You may refer to the following installation steps:

  • Click on Configure > Plugins > Install plugin from disk...
  • Point to the downloaded zip file > Click on OK button > Restart

The key features for this release are:


  • Creating Liferay Workspaces (maven and gradle based)
  • Creating Liferay Modules (maven and gradle based)
  • Liferay Tomcat Server support for deployment, debugging,
  • Add line markers for each entity in service editor
  • Editing support for bnd.bnd files and XML
    • Support for syntax checking, highlighting and hyperlink
    • Support for auto code completion


Special Thanks

Thanks so much to Dominik Marks on code completion features.


Liferay Workspace Support

To create a Liferay workspace, click File > New > Project... > Select Liferay and choose your liferay workspace type.


Installing a Liferay Server

Liferay server is located in bundles folder under your liferay workspace. And it's defined in file.


Creating a Liferay Module and Deploy

Creating liferay modules requires an existing liferay workspace. Once you have created a new module project, select Liferay > Deploy.


Add line markers for each entity in service editor


Editing bnd.bnd and XML files(highlighting and code completions in Editor)

Here are some captured screenshots about syntax highlighting, code completion and hyperlink.



If you run into any issues or have any suggestions please come find us on our community forums or report them on JIRA (IDE project) , we are always around to try to help you out. Good luck!

That's a really great news!!! Liferay 7 codebase became quite too big to
be handled by Eclipse without serious performance issues (or, at least,
this is what I experienced trying to import it in an Eclipse workspace).
IntelliJ, on the other hand, can handle even multiple Liferay codebases
open at the same times with only small and rare slowdowns. So I'm really
happy to hear that now Liferay OFFICIALLY supports IntelliJ for the
development process. Thank you very much for your work <3

Can this be used to make themes?  We had major problems getting the Liferay Development Studio working.

Hello John,


Users can create and build themes in liferay Gradle/Maven workspace with this liferay intelliJ plguin. While it doesn't have too much support on the front end development. Hope the tool intelliJ itself provides more. 

Hi, how do you create a liferay module project fragment with this plugin? Can it be done via GUI? When i go to New->Liferay Modules, i don't see fragment on the list. Maybe i'm doing something wrong. 


Hello Liz,


Thanks for bringing this to our attention.


But there is no wizard for creating a liferay module project fragment for this release. We can try to import it if the project has been created in command line or Studio. Sorry about that.


Best regards.


After following the documentation almost all the steps succeed but I don't see a "Deploy" option in the Liferay right click menu, all I see is "Watch" Is this a problem with the plugin? Using Intellij Idea 2018.3.0

Hell Yaseen,


Good catch. Yes, it's a known problem. We've created a ticket to fix in the next release:


For now, watch works successfully and also, the deploy task in Gradle tasks also works.

Thanks so much!

Hi Yanan,


Thanks for your reply. Yes "Watch" works just as well. Have another question: Is it possible to setup the workspace so that when there is a change to a portlet the browser automatically reloads and display those changes?

Hey, I'm looking for a vendor to support our liferay project. Any suggestions in Shanghai China? regarding the budget limited, it would not be paid too much. :D, but it's long-term. Thanks!


Please feel free to contact me with this m0verinfo#gmail.c0m, replace all number zero with letter o before you sending. Sorry for the inconvenience!