New lessons on Liferay University

...and an offer you can't refuse...

As promised less than a month ago, we're working on more content for Liferay University. Meet your new professors Charles Cohick and Dimple Koticha.

The new lessons are

As with all lessons on Liferay University, they're completely free and available after logging in with your account.

But wait, there's more...

Learn as much as you can

For a limited time, Liferay University Passport, our flat rate for each and every course on Liferay University, is available for an introductory price at almost 30% discount.  And even those courses aren't finished yet: There are more to come. So, get it while you save that much. With the one-time payment for a personal passport, even the paid courses are free and you have a full year time to take them all.

Prefer a live trainer in the room?

Of course, if you prefer to have a live trainer in the room: The regular trainings are still available, and are updated to  contain all of the courses that you find on Liferay University and Passport. And, this way (with a trainer, on- or offline) you can book courses for all of the previous versions of Liferay as well.

And, of course, the fine documentation is still available and updated to contain information about the new version already.

(Photo: CC by 2.0 Hamza Butt)