New feature in Liferay 6.0 - Team


One of the new feature in the upcoming Liferay 6.0 is the notion of a Team.

A community or organization can now group a set of user and create a team. The notion of a team is somewhat similar to a role but a role is a portal wide entiry while a team is restricted to a prticular community or organization. You can manage the permission to a team like a role.


Team Feature in 6.0

Check it out and let us know the feedback.

So it is like community/organization role, but only specific for certain community/organization.
Yes, a team has context of a Community or Organization.
Hi Manish

Your answer to Jonas and to me where little contradictory, because "User group" is not a "Role" and you cannot define permissions to user group. Well, I did some tests on latest version trunk and I did not find away to bind permissions to team nor roles (portal or community/organization) to team. So I got confused, what team is for?
A "Team" is like a community role but is only available to that community. No one else can see it in another community. Whereas if you defined a "Community Role", that would be availalbe for all communities.

Suppose you're a school and each class room was a community. It would make sense to create two Community Roles called "Teacher" and "Student".

Suppose a teacher wanted to break up his students into smaller teams for and gave them funny names like "Silly Bears Team" / "Spiderman Team", etc.

Now the teacher can say, students in Silly Bears Team can post to this message boards category, but NOT to the Spiderman team.

Click on a message board category and hit "Permissions" and you'll see how it can be assigned now. Manish, you should probably post a screen shot to that page and then it'll make sense.
Brian, thanks for clarification.

So it was like a role. I did found the way to add Permissions to team from "Message board", "Web content management" and so on. Seems to be data related and currently there is no "Define permissions" tab like roles have. Anyway this looks excelent new feature and propably is very useful in future.
Thats good. But I think you can achieve this with current version of liferay as well. Like if you create a role called "Silly Bears" as a community role and dont assign users to that role for some communities and just assign users to that role for decided communities I think it should be ok. Let me know I am understanding it wrong.
Hi Manish,
Can you please let me know when can we expect Communitity and Enterprise version release of Liferay 6.0
Very nice and usefull feature.

We have communities, locations, organizations, user groups, roles and now user teams. It's a wide range of opportunities to manage permission level.

But you do not think it's time to refactor the permissions system to simplify it to users ? Now is hard enough to understand and explain to normal users.
Users was already there for permission algorithm 1 to 4. I think because of performance issues Liferay has changed to Roles.
hi guys,

great new feature ! i need exactly this functionality for an upcoming project ... customer will love it ;)

I created an organization, and assigned a user the "Organization Owner" role for it.

Should the user with the "Organization Owner" role be able to manage teams? When logged in as this user, the "Organizations" area of the control panel, it say no organizations found, and so I can't get to the manage teams area

please help, thanks
Hi there. I would like to ask: Is it possible to use teams in Kaleo workflows? Thanks in advance for answer.