New feature for Liferay 7: Define restrictions and workflow for each web content folder

Hi everybody!

I want to announce this new functionality. Right now, you'll be able to define the web content types (structures) that can be added inside a web content folder.

For example, you can restrict the folder "Sport" to only allow Web Content of type Sport or if you want you can inherit the restrictions of the parent folder:

Also, if you have deployed a workflow engine, you'll be able to define a different workflow for each folder (you can even define the workflow per web content structure).

In this example we are restricting the content that can be added inside this folder to "Sports" and "Basic Web Content", also we are defining a "Single Approver" workflow for "Sports" and no workflow for "Basic Web Content".

I hope it helps!!!!. See you...

Really cool thing, so many people asked me about this! emoticon
Long awaited. Good to see that it will be supported out of the box.