My First Liferay 7 Project

While preparing for our annual Dutch Liferay User group meeting I tried to develop a simple MVC portlet accessing the Liferay 7 API. Somehow this took more time than I had expected - probably because the new blade tooling takes some getting used to.

My purpose was to write a portlet invoking the UserLocalService in the new non-static way instead of using the now obsolete UserLocalServiceUtil.

First I needed to set up the tools jpm and blade - this can be done by following the instructions on the page

Then we create a new workspace:

blade init -f workspace

This will create a new subdirectory 'workspace' containing all the basics you need to start developing. Now you start the server by issuing the following command - it will download the LR code into the workspace/tomcat directory:

blade server start

This will start LR7 on the usual http:/localhost:8080

Now let's create an MVC portlet and add some code:

blade create -t mvcportlet -p demo.lnlug -c MyMvcPortlet my-mvc-portlet-project

This instructs blade to create a subclass of MVCPortlet called MyMvcPortlet in package demo.lnlug in a project my-mvc-project created under modules.

When you deploy this portlet into Liferay with the following command:

blade deploy

you will see the following message in the LR logs:

20:14:53,570 INFO  [Thread-110][BundleStartStopLogger:35] STARTED my.mvc.portlet.project_1.0.0.201605192014 [483]

Now I added the following method to MyMvcPortlet:

public void doView(RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse) throws IOException, PortletException {
   int numberOfUsers = getUserLocalService().getUsersCount();
   renderRequest.setAttribute("numberOfUsers", numberOfUsers);
   System.out.println("Number of users = " + numberOfUsers);
   super.doView(renderRequest, renderResponse);

supported by the following code in the same class:

public void setUserLocalService(UserLocalService userLocalService) {
   this.userLocalService = userLocalService;

public UserLocalService getUserLocalService() {
   return userLocalService;

private UserLocalService userLocalService;

This annotation @Reference is interesting, it is the OSGI annotation org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference used to refer to a Component deployed by some other OSGI bundle. For this to work you need to add one single line to build.gradle:

compile 'com.liferay.portal:com.liferay.portal.kernel:2.0.0'

It took me a while to figure this dependency out. In the end I found it in one of the blade samples projects to be found here:

Finally we have to display the variable numberOfUsers in our view.jsp:

<%= request.getAttribute("numberOfUsers") %>

Now after a new deployment of our portlet we'll see the number of Users displayed on the page.