Meet The Extenders

Find out about Liferay's Extender implementations, why they're there and what they are responsible for.


As I spend more time digging around in the bowels of the Liferay source code, I'm always learning new things.

Recently I was digging in the Liferay extenders and thought I would share some of what I found.

Extender Pattern

So what is this Extender pattern anyway? Maybe you've heard about it related to Liferay's WAB extender or Spring extender or Xyz extender, maybe you have a guess about what they are but as long as they work, maybe that's good enough. If you're like me, though, you'd like to know more, so here goes...

The Extender Pattern is actually an official OSGi pattern.  The simplest and complete definition I found is:

The extender pattern is commonly used to provide additional functionality at run time based on bundle content. For this purpose, an extender bundle scans new bundles at a certain point in their life cycles and decides whether to take additional actions based on the scans. Additional actions might include creating extra resources, instantiating components, publishing services externally, and so forth. The majority of the functionality in the OSGi Service Platform Enterprise Specification is supported through extender bundles, most notably Blueprint, JPA, and WAB support. - Getting Started with the Feature Pack for OSGi Applications and JPA 2.0 by Sadtler, Haischt, Huber and Mahrwald.

But you can get a much larger introduction to the OSGi Extender Model if you want to learn about the pattern in more depth.

Long story short, an extender will inspect files in a bundle that is starting and can automate some functionality. So for DS, for example, it can find classes decorated with the @Component annotation and work with them. The extender takes care of the grunt work that we, as developers, would otherwise have to keep writing to register and start our component instances.

Liferay actually has a number of extenders, let's check them out...


This extender is responsible for wiring up the HttpTunnel servlet for the bundle. If the bundle has a header, Http-Tunnel, it will have a tunnel servlet wired up for it. It will actually create a number of supporting service registrations:

  • AuthVerifierFilter for authentication verification (verification via the AuthVerify pipeline, includes BasicAuth and Liferay session auth).
  • ServletContextHelper for the servlet context for the bundle.
  • Servlet for the tunnel servlet itself. For those that don't know, the tunnel servlet allows for sending commands to a remote Liferay instance via the protected tunnel servlet and is a core part of how remote staging works.


Yep, the theme contributors are implemented using the Extender pattern.

This extender looks for either the Liferay-Theme-Contributor-Type header from the bundle (via your bnd.bnd file) or if there is a package.json file, it looks for the themeContributorType. It also ensures that resources are included in the bundle.

The ThemeContributorExtender will then register two services for the bundle, the first is a ThemeContributorPortalWebResources instance for exposing bundle resources as Portal Web Resources, the other is an instance of BundleWebResources to actually expose and return the bundle resources.


The configurator extender is kind of interesting in that there doesn't seem to be any actual implementations using this.

Basically if there is a bundle header, Liferay-Configuration-Path, the configurator extender will basically use properties files in this path to set configuration in Configuration Admin. I'm guessing this may be useful if you wanted to force a configuration through a bundle deployment, i.e. if you wanted to push a bundle to partially change the ElasticSearch configuration.


The language extender handles the resource bundle handling for the bundle. If the bundle has the liferay.resource.bundle capability, it creates the extension that knows how to parse the capability string (the one that often includes base names, aggregate contexts, etc) and registers a special aggregating Resource Bundle Loader into OSGi.


This is the magical extender that makes ServiceBuilder work in Liferay 7 CE and Liferay 7 DXP... This one is going to take some more area to document.

The extender works for all bundles with a Liferay-Spring-Context header (pulled in from bnd.bnd of course).

First the ModuleApplicationContextExtender creates a ModuleApplicationContextRegistrator instance which creates a ModuleApplicationContext instance for the bundle that will be the Spring context the modules beans are created in/from. It uses the Liferay-Service and Liferay-Spring-Context bundle headers to identify the Spring context xml files and the ModuleApplicationContext will be used by Spring to instantiate everything.

It next creates the BeanLocator for the bundle (remember those from the Liferay 6 days? It is how the portal can find services when requested in the templates and scripting control panel).

The ModuleApplicationContextRegistrator then initializes the services and finally registers each of the Spring beans in the bundle as OSGi components (that's why you can @Reference SB services without them actually being declared as @Components in the SB implementation classes).

The ModuleApplicationContextExtender isn't done yet though. The Spring initialization was to prepare a dynamically created component, managed by the OSGi Dependency Manager so that OSGi will take over the management (lifecycle) of the new Spring context.

If the bundle has a Liferay-Require-SchemaVersion header, the ModuleApplicationContextExtender will add the requirement for the listed version as a component dependency. This is how the x.y.z version of the service implementation gets bound specifically to the x.y.z version of the API module. It is also why it is important to make sure that the Liferay-Require-SchemaVersion header is kept in sync with the version you stamp on the API module, and also why it is also important to actually remember to bump your module version numbers when you change the service.xml file and/or the method signatures on your entity or service classes.

The  ModuleApplicationContextExtender has a final responsibility, the initial creation of the SB tables, indexes and sequences. Normally when we are dealing with upgrades, we must manually create our UpgradeStepRegistrator components and have them register upgrade steps to be called when a version is changing. But the one upgrade step we never have to write is the ServiceBuilder's 0.0.0 to x.y.z upgrade step. The ModuleApplicationContextExtender automatically registers the upgrade step to basically apply the scripts to create the tables, indexes and sequences.

So yeah, there's a lot going on here. If you wondered how your service module gets exposed to Liferay, Spring and OSGi, well now you know.


I actually think this extender is poorly named (my own opinion). The name WabFactory implies (to me) that it may only be for WABs, but it actually covers generic Servlet stuff as well.

Liferay uses the OSGi HTTP Whiteboard service for exposing all servlets, filters, etc. Your REST service? HTTP Whiteboard. Your JSP portlet? Yep, HTTP Whiteboard. The Theme Contributor? Yep, same. Simple servlets? Yep. Your "legacy" portlet WAR that gets turned into a WAB by Liferay, it too is exposed via the HTTP Whiteboard.

This is a good thing, of course, because the dynamism of OSGi Declarative Services, your various implementations can be added, removed and restarted without affecting the container.

But, what you may not know, the HTTP Whiteboard is very agnostic towards implementation details. For example, it doesn't talk about JSP handling at all. Nor the REST handling, MIME types, etc. It really talks to how services can be registered such that the HTTP Whiteboard will be able to delegate incoming requests to the correct service implementations.

To that end, there's a series of steps to perform for vanilla HTTP Whiteboard registration. First you need the Http service reference so you can register. You need to create a ServletContextHandler for the bundle (to expose your bundle resources as the servlet context), and then you use it to register your servlets, your filters and your listeners that come from the bundle (or elsewhere). That's a lot of boilerplate code that deals with the interaction with OSGi; if you're a servlet developer, you shouldn't need to master all of those OSGi aspects.

And then there's still JSP to deal with, REST service, etc. A lot of stuff that you'd need to do.

But we don't, because of the WabFactory.

It is the WabFactory, for example, that processes the Web-ContextPath and Web-ContextName bundle headers so we don't have to decorate every servlet with the HTTP Whiteboard properties. It registers the ServletContextHelper instance for the bundle and also binds all of the servlets, filters and listeners to the servlet context. It registers a JspServlet so the JSP files in the bundle can be compiled and used (you did realize that Liferay is compiling bundle JSPs, and not your application container, right?).

There's actually a lot of other functionality baked in here, in the portal-osgi-web-wab-extender module, I would encourage you to dig through it if you want to understand how all of this magic happens.  (7.1)

This is a new extender introduced in 7.1.

This extender actually uses two different bundle headers, Liferay-JS-Resources-Top-Head and Liferay-JS-Resources-Top-Head-Authenticated to handle the inclusion of JS resources in the top of the page, possibly using different resources for guest vs authenticated sessions.

This new extender is basically deprecating the old javascript.barebone.files and javascript.everything.files properties from and allows modules to supply their own scripts dynamically to include in the HTML page's <head /> area.

You can actually see this being used in the new frontend-js-web module's bnd.bnd file.  You can override using a custom module and a Liferay-Top-Head-Weight bundle header to define a higher service ranking.


So we started out with a basic definition of the OSGi Extender pattern. We then made a hard turn towards the concrete implementations currently used in Liferay.

I hope you can see how these extenders are actually an important part of Liferay 7 CE and Liferay 7 DXP, especially from a development perspective.

If the extenders weren't there, as developers we would need to be generating a lot of boilerplate code. If you tear into the ModuleApplicationContextExtender and everything it is doing for our ServiceBuilder implementations, stop and ask yourself how productive your day would be if you had to wire that all up ourselves? How many bugs, etc would we otherwise have had?

Perhaps this review of Liferay Extenders may give you some idea of how you can eliminate boilerplate code in your own projects...
