Entries with Blog Stream News .

Ruud Kluivers | 03 Mar 2015

De samenleving is steeds afhankelijker van IT. Al onze persoonlijke gegevens en middelen liggen immers verankerd in systemen van de overheid, pensioeninstellingen, banken en hypotheekverstrekkers. En toch lezen we steeds weer dat veel grote IT-projecten bij deze instellingen falen. Open source software levert volgens mij de financiële en technologische transparantie op die nodig is om...

Ruud Kluivers | 03 Mar 2015

  Gelukkig is het niet alleen kommer en kwel in de zorg. Recent bleek dat innovatie wel degelijk mogelijk is als je maar visie en durf toont. JIP (Jouw Internet Portaal) is een unieke website die het internet toegankelijk maakt voor mensen met een verstandelijke beperking. JIP vormt zich als geen ander naar de wensen van gebruikers en is wat mij betreft een...

Ruud Kluivers | 03 Mar 2015

Apps zijn veel meer dan enkel applicaties op de smartphone of tablet. In feite zijn het de bouwstenen van een community-gedreven platform. Apps zijn immers onderdeel van het softwareplatform en de vraag uit de gebruikersgemeenschap bepaalt of een app wel of niet wordt ontwikkeld. Dit gedachtengoed begint ook in de zakelijke IT steeds meer aanhang te krijgen. De app-store...

Ruud Kluivers | 03 Mar 2015

Onlangs bleek uit de E-Government Survey 2014 dat Nederland op de vijfde plaats staat bij de ontwikkeling van de e-overheid en elektronische dienstverlening. Deze positie in het VN-rapport klinkt op zichzelf niet slecht, maar in 2012 stonden we nog op de tweede plaats. Het onderzoek naar de ICT-projecten van de overheid is natuurlijk niet voor niets gaande. Ik zie echter...

Ruud Kluivers | 03 Mar 2015

Iedere organisatie moet zowel online als offline de relaties met zijn klanten (klantcontact) en stakeholders onderhouden. Eigenlijk zou het niet van belang mogen zijn of die contactmomenten nu via de website, een mobiele app of telefonisch plaatsvinden. Toch blijken deze kanalen in de praktijk vaak gescheiden te zijn, waardoor een gewaardeerde klant onbedoeld een anonieme bezoeker kan...

Brett S. Kobold | 26 Feb 2015

One of the biggest questions in web analytics right now is “How do we know users are reading or looking at our content?” In the past, Liferay has used “page views” and “number of clicks” to determine the popularity of our content, but we’re now learning that these methods do not necessarily determine the success of a page. Page views show how users are navigating through your site,...

Angela Wu | 26 Feb 2015

Last August, nine of us from Liferay HQ partnered with Living Water and took a trip down to Guatemala to serve the people of La Hermosa, Escuintla. Since 1990, Living Water has been implementing clean water projects in developing and impoverished countries. Over the last 25 years, they have completed more than 15,000 water projects.   Though rich in agriculture,...

Jose M. Navarro | 23 Feb 2015

Several months ago, I read an article talking about a new concept for me: the Hacker in Residence. Since then, I saw pretty clearly that it would be a wonderful initiative within Liferay, given that we're a global and distributed company, with several teammates working from different countries and timezones. So three months ago, we were trying to make progress in the Android...

Olaf Kock | 19 Feb 2015

This is a repeat post - same topic as in July 2013, when I've solved exactly the same problem on Liferay 6.1. Now it's time to update the solution to Liferay 6.2. But I am ahead of myself: What seems to be the problem? Liferay offers various layout templates that determine how the portlets are arranged on the page. When you build a Liferay page, you can drag&drop portlets on...

Olaf Kock | 18 Feb 2015

Are you new to Liferay? Found Liferay and want to know what it can do for you? Or are you with Liferay and still remember the time when you were new and unexperienced? Where did you come from and what was the biggest problem you faced? Can you ever learn enough? And how do you keep up with the current trends and new features? A platform as big as Liferay spans several...

Ray Augé | 18 Feb 2015

Over the past couple of years Liferay has invested a considerable amount of effort to re-engineer Liferay Portal version 7.0 with modularity as the key focus. As part of this effort we've adopted OSGi as the modularity layer. In September of 2013 we decided that in order to provide ourselves the most direct access to OSGi expertise we should join the OSGi Alliance as a...

Cleydyr de Albuquerque | 10 Feb 2015

Last January 31, the Alcides do Nascimento Community Library was born with the help of EVP and helpful people with strong beliefs in doing good. History In 2011 at the metro train, I met a former colleague of students activist movement. By talking about education, we came to the conclusion that we shared the same world-views about it: it had to change and we should start...

Travis Cory | 05 Feb 2015

TL;DR Understanding the purpose and goals of your client will help you develop meaningful and efficient code. Focus on one task at at time. Approximate reading time: 3 minutes As a consultant here at Liferay there are plenty of great clients to work with. Each engagement provides me with the change to develop my skills and design process. I had the opportunity to be a part of...

Abhishek Jain | 05 Feb 2015

Hello Liferay community!   We're pleased to announce a new training offering called Production Readiness on our course calendar, and this is the perfect opportunity to shed some light on what it covers, and why you might be interested in taking it. Production Readiness gives your team a better understanding of the core concepts and architecture behind Liferay, and...

Shannon Chang | 04 Feb 2015

It's hard enough to get certain developer types to mingle for even a little while without constantly checking their phones for the best time to make their exit.   It can be challenging to plan a networking event, but for a tech audience, finding the right venue to cultivate great conversation can make the difference between your event hashtag filling up social media and...

Neil Griffin | 04 Aug 2015

The Liferay Faces team is focussed on developing our new 4.2.5-GA6 and 3.2.5-GA6 releases as well as our new Liferay Faces Showcase demo. But since not all projects will not have an opportunity to upgrade, we developed the following patches for our GA5 release: Issue Description Version(s) FACES-1513 Portlet...

David Zhang | 03 Feb 2015

Integerate P6spy with Liferay to format Hibernate SQL When working on the customer's tickets, we may analysis the hibernate SQL to get some useful information, but it is really difficult to do that, the SQL file is disorganized, besides the most cursing problem is that there are so many “?” there, is there any way to make the hibernate SQL file be much more readable...

Bruno Farache | 22 May 2015

Hello, community! We would like to announce Liferay Push, our new framework for sending push notifications from Liferay Portal to your mobile apps. Push notifications is a technology that allows servers to broadcast messages to mobile devices. Instead of having your app poll the server for new messages every few seconds (that drains your phone battery and your monthly data...

Olaf Kock | 20 Jan 2015

  A short Inbetweenisode on the release of 6.2 CE GA3 with repeat guest and Community Manager James Falkner. During Devcon James promised the release for the 15. January - while I stated that this release date was wishful thinking. Now we actually hit the promised release date for the first time known to both of us. Enough reason to get together and talk about the underlying...

Esther Sanz | 20 Jan 2015

  LA Unconference December 2014 December is always a very exciting time of the year when engineers gather in our LA office to discuss, work and have fun together. It is a time for reflection and to review what we have accomplished over the past year.   Like a big family whose members meet after a long time, we start with a big event which helps foster...