Entries with Products Liferay Portal 7.2 .

David H Nebinger | 27 Aug 2019

Recently I was one of many trying to help a coworker figure out why a Liferay OOTB feature was failing... We had odd stack traces, null object references when OSGi never should have allowed a null to begin with, and nothing we tried would fix the problem. Eventually we found that, for some reason, two different versions of a Liferay bundle had been deployed into the environment....

David H Nebinger | 25 Aug 2019

So the last couple of days I've been working on a new React Headless app that I'm going to be sharing soon, but for various reasons I've had to refer to the /api/jsonws page to check out the classic APIs there that are still available. Just as a bit of background, I have an awesome 27" iMac that I do all of my development on. I love it so much that I purchased an additional Apple...

David H Nebinger | 27 Jul 2019

Liferay 7.2 has an updated Service Builder that introduces some changes that we should all be aware of. From a Dependency Injection perspective, not really much is going to change for us when it comes to consuming the services. Just as we did for 7.0 and 7.1, we will still have a member variable in our @Component for a service instance and then @Reference inject it in. As long as...

David Gómez | 25 Jun 2019

We, as software developers, usually need to reach our users through different channels: from web sites to applications running on smart devices (smartphones, smartwatches, ...) or even through IoT devices… and all those solutions, oriented to the different ways that nowadays the users can interact with our systems, share the same content and features. Even if we are just creating a...

David H Nebinger | 10 Nov 2023

In Liferay 6.x, scheduled tasks were kind of easy to implement. I mean, you'd implement a class that implements the Liferay Message Bus's MessageListener interface and then add the details in the <scheduler-entry /> sections in your liferay-portlet.xml file and you'd be off to the races. Well, things are not so simple with Liferay 7 CE / Liferay DXP. In fact, I...