Entries with Products Liferay Portal .

Olaf Kock | 09 Jul 2021

If you’ve ever looked at a Liferay workflow implementation and its scripts, you might have seen workflowContext being referenced in the scripts that are executed in the individual tasks and states. I’ve recently had my first scripting contact with Workflow, and wanted to look at this context, and what it can do for me. Digging a bit, you’ll find out that workflowContext is a Map<String,...

Crystal Santos | 23 Jun 2021

When we think about having different authentication types we commonly think about one fluid and intuitive screen to guide the user through this process. And why is that? It’s probably because logging in is a mean to an end, as a user is often trying to pass this step to achieve a broader goal. With this in mind, it is very important to make logging in smoothly and easily.A logging in process...

David H Nebinger | 18 Jun 2021

IntroductionAs many folks know, I'm known for telling people not to look inside the Liferay database itself. It's not always clear what is what in the DB and Liferay has a lot of code around retrieving and updating data that you likely will not get completely right if you were to update the DB directly.I typically end with "Always, always use the Liferay API for your data needs..."And, if...

David H Nebinger | 21 Jun 2021

So some time ago I wrote the Cluster Details marketplace plugin. Basically you drop this guy into all of your Liferay clusters and you get a nifty little control panel that tells you details about the cluster, all of the nodes which have joined the cluster and it identifies who the leader of the cluster is at the moment:Not super complicated, but it is a handy little tool to identify details...

David H Nebinger | 18 May 2021

IntroductionHistorically developers have always wanted to be able to control site creation.It's not that Liferay admins are untrusted or anything like that. It is really more the case where setting up a new site can get complicated and the steps to create the site could be quite long. A site may have initial documents, web contents (with structures and templates), pages to create and populate...

David H Nebinger | 18 May 2021

IntroductionLiferay has, for a long time, supported RBAC, the role-based access control. It is, of course, backed by the database so (inheritance aside for the moment) a user will be assigned a list of roles that is mostly fixed or unchanging. To change these role assignments, typically an admin is going to log into Liferay and, using the control panel, add or remove roles as necessary.This...

David H Nebinger | 27 Apr 2021

Introduction One of the great advantages I have being known in the community is really the opportunity to meet, talk and work with talented developers and teams. Recently the team at ACSoftware announced in the Liferay Community Slack they were working on a new Liferay development tool, and I was fortunate enough to work with them on evaluation and testing. As it is just released, I...

David H Nebinger | 13 Sep 2021

Introduction So recently a couple of times I've seen folks ask how to send form data somewhere. Some want to trigger remote web service calls, some want to store the data in a different entity or database, etc. The common answer I give is to use a Tee storage type to persist in Liferay while using as you need, and this is sometimes followed by "um, what was that?" ;-) So I figured it was...

David H Nebinger | 08 Apr 2021

Introduction Let me start by saying that I'm a huge fan of Upgrade Processes. I've actually written many blogs about Upgrade Processes or using Upgrade Processes: https://liferay.dev/blogs/-/blogs/old-versus-new https://liferay.dev/blogs/-/blogs/thinking-outside-of-the-box-resources-importer https://liferay.dev/blogs/-/blogs/servicebuilder-and-upgrade-processes ...

David H Nebinger | 04 Aug 2021

Introduction As of yet, there has been no official word that JDK 11 is supported by the Liferay developer tools. Just like the old delays going from JDK 7 to JDK 8, various third party tools and libraries held up the switch to JDK 11. Up until now, some developers had luck using JDK 11, but there were lingering issues with some tools such as Service Builder which could get in the way. In...

David H Nebinger | 04 Feb 2021

What is the Mega-Jar? So the Liferay Dev Tools team recently included a new feature that they refer to as a "fat" jar, but I'm giving it the name Mega-Jar! This is a new single dependency that you can use in your Maven pom.xmls and Gradle build.gradle files, replacing all of the atomic dependencies with a single "one Mega-Jar to rule them all" dependency. So basically your...

David H Nebinger | 01 Feb 2021

A community member posted the following plea on the Liferay Community Slack channel. I feel that it makes a great example, so I'm including it here. HiI am migrating from Liferay 7.0 to Liferay 7.3 GA6So I followed the below steps for DB migration 1 ./opt/liferay736/bundle/tools/portal-tools-db-upgrade-client          Inside the directory, I have updated...

David H Nebinger | 17 Aug 2021

About a year ago, Liferay introduced a new program that I have been actively participating in, Liferay Developer Services. But what is this program? Liferay Support When you are a Liferay DXP customer, you automatically get access to Liferay Support as part of the Subscription Services. Support is staffed by a great bunch of people that want to help clients resolve product-level issues....

Olaf Kock | 13 Nov 2020

The old saying that "many roads lead to Rome" is a universal truth. In "Productive Feature Abuse", I'm using Liferay-Features "off-label" - in a way that they were not intended to be used. Naturally, we'll run into limitations, but in some situations this might still do what you want with less effort. And just like in the first incarnation, here's another one related to staging. ...

Olaf Kock | 12 Nov 2020

Sometimes there are several ways to achieve a goal - and this is a story about one of those times, and one of those different paths to achieve a goal. Recently, in a conversation, I came across two different ways to solve the same problem: One is way more graphical than the other, and both have their advantages, disadvantages and limitations: How to edit next month's special...

David H Nebinger | 15 Sep 2020

One thing that I commonly see Liferay admins doing is changing the user.timezone JVM parameter to their local timezone. I mean, I get why this might seem like a good idea. I only serve users around me who are in the same timezone. I don't like the logs showing the GMT time instead of the local time. I want everything to reflect my particular timezone. When I query the database, it...

David H Nebinger | 04 May 2020

Just a quick one today... Liferay stopped releasing Liferay CE/DXP Wildfly bundles after 7.1, so I was recently asked to create a Liferay 7.2 DXP bundle for Wildfly 11. So I followed the instructions posted here: https://help.liferay.com/hc/en-us/articles/360029123751-Installing-Liferay-DXP-on-Wildfly Started the Wildfly bundle and it seemed to come up fine. Navigating to...

David H Nebinger | 27 Apr 2020

Recently I was helping a client who was suffering from performance problems on their site sometimes leading to node instability. After doing a deep dive, I found that most of the problems stemmed from improper connection pool settings. Not that it was the developers faults, per se, but it had more to do with not seeing the whole picture. So I thought I'd share some common...

David H Nebinger | 29 Feb 2020

My friend, Olaf Kock, recently shared with me that he had struggled with and resolved an issue after moving to Tomcat 9.0.31 when using AJP. Update: What maybe we didn't know, Tomcat 9.0.31 (and other versions of Tomcat 6, 7, 8 and 8.5) were all being fixed to address a newly identified attack vector against Tomcat nicknamed...

David H Nebinger | 01 Feb 2020

Just a quick one this morning... So I'm working on a project for 7.1. With my new love of the target platform, I decide I'm going to enable the 7.1 target platform for my DXP project. Everything seems to work fine until I deploy the portlet jar. That's when I get the following during deployment: 2020-02-01 08:40:06.324 ERROR...