LiferayPhotos: a fully functional app in 10 days using Liferay Screens. Final part: Development experience.

In the previous posts, we talked about what we were going to do, how we were going to do it, and which tools we were going to use. We introduced you the Liferay Screens’s screenlets and the reason why we were going to use them.

Well, it’s time to explain to you how we developed this application and how a junior developer, with only one year of experience in the mobile world and 2 weeks in Liferay, made this app in 10 days thanks to Liferay Screens and its screenlets. In this post, I will explain what I have done and how have been my experience.


I am going to detail as much as possible how we have done the UserProfile screen, where the user can see their photos next to their basic information and the Feed screen, which shows a timeline with the users’s photos. Finally, I will show you how we have implemented the button that allows upload new images, either taking a new photo from the camera or getting it from the gallery. Also, I want to explain what problems encountered when I was doing the development.

First of all, as a starting point, it’s necessary to be familiarized with creating iOS themes. All of this is explained in this tutorial. They are very useful because, as you will see, to do the app we only have to change the screenlet’s UI because the logic is already done.

UserProfile screen

For the UserProfile screen I’ve created a collection of new themes for the screenlets used in this screen. Basically, what I have done is to extend the default theme, which has the name of the screenlet but ending in View_default, e.g., UserPortraitView_default.

The new theme should be given the same name than the default theme but changing the suffix to the name that we want to give them. For example, in UserProfile we modify the UserPortraitView to show the image inside a circle. For this, as I said before, we just need to copy the default theme and change the name, in my case to UserPortraitView_liferayphotos. Thus, the theme name will be liferayphotos. You have to put this name into the screenlet’s themeName attribute.

The associated code to the view, created in an analogous way, is where I have coded how the image will be displayed, in our case and as I said above, will appear inside a circle shape.

import Foundation
import LiferayScreens

class UserPortraitView_liferayphotos: UserPortraitView_default {  

    override func onShow() {

       self.portraitImage?.layer.cornerRadius = self.portraitImage!.frame.size.width / 2

       self.portraitImage?.clipsToBounds = true

       self.borderWidth = 0.0

       self.editButton?.layer.cornerRadius = self.editButton!.frame.size.width / 2     

       self.screenlet?.backgroundColor = .clear

Just below of the UserPortraitScreenlet I have added the username and the user email. Both are a simple label text.

In the back of the user basic information, I’ve placed an image using an ImageDisplayScreenlet. This will let you render an image from documents and media, pretty straightforward.

Now, I am going to explain the image gallery. Maybe, this is the trickiest part in this screen but, with screenlets, nothing is difficult :)

To do this I’ve used an ImageGalleryScreenlet, but, as I did with the UserPortraitScreenlet, I have created a custom theme to give it a more appropriate style. This style consists of 3 columns with a little small space between columns and rows.

First of all, I had to specify the number of columns because the default number didn’t fit our design. It’s just one variable called columnNumber:

override var columnNumber: Int {
      get {
          return 3
      set {}

The next step is to specify which layout we needed to use in the gallery. I needed to calculate his size and the space between the other items. All of this was done in the function doCreateLayout().

override func doCreateLayout() -> UICollectionViewLayout {

       let layout = UICollectionViewFlowLayout()    

       let cellWidth = UIScreen.main.bounds.width / CGFloat(columnNumber) - spacing    

       layout.sectionInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0)

       layout.itemSize = CGSize(width: cellWidth, height: cellWidth)

       layout.minimumInteritemSpacing = spacing

       layout.minimumLineSpacing = spacing     

       return layout

And that’s all in this screen. With three screenlets I have made a fully functional user profile.

Feed screen

Honestly, I thought that Feed screen was the most complicated screen. In fact, all screen is just one big screenlet: the imageGalleryScreenlet. But how? Well, I have to show all images, so, it’s an image gallery and the rest information is added to the cell of each item of the gallery. 

As we mentioned in the previous post, in the cell I have two screenlets: asset display screenlet and rating screenlet.

First of all, I have created a theme for the image gallery screenlet. In this theme I’ve specified that I only need one column, as I did in the previous screen; then I give to the screenlet the item size and pass the custom cell name.

Already in the custom cell, I had to build my personal cell with the screenlets mentioned above. For the asset display screenlet, I’ve created a simple view with the user portrait screenlet and a label with the username.

For the rating screenlet, I’ve used another custom view with a new image (a heart) and with the number of likes of the image.

The rest of the cell consists of one image and some labels to give the aspect that we wanted.

As we can see, both screens were made in the same way: creating themes to give a more appropriate style and nothing else. All logic was done in the screenlet and I don’t have to worry about it.

Other screens

The other screens were far more easy than the mentioned here because the view was less complex, and I just had to tweak the style of the screenlets a little bit. For example, the sign up screenlet and the login screenlet follow the same style, as we can see in the pictures below.


Final result

In the next video you can see the result of the application.


As we can see along this post, the principal and more complex logic of the application is already provided by the screenlet. I have to focus only on customizing the screenlets creating new themes and nothing else. The new themes depend on the platform to develop, of course, so we’ve needed iOS knowledge in this case.

Screenlets are a powerful tool to create native applications integrating with Liferay and very easy to use.

My humble recommendation is that if you never have used screenlets technology, create a little app as proof of concept to familiarize yourself with it. This task will only take a couple of hours and will help you to gain knowledge about screenlets and to observe how powerful they are.

With this little knowledge and some experience (not much) in the mobile platform, you will be ready to develop an application like the one mentioned in this blog, because all screenlets are used in a similar way.

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