Liferay Portal Quarterly Release Process

We hope this message finds you well. At Liferay, we are committed to delivering the best possible experience with our products. We're writing to share an important update about our product release cadence.

Starting with Liferay Portal GA102, we have transitioned from a weekly release schedule to a quarterly one. We understand that change can sometimes raise questions, so we want to provide you with all the details and benefits behind this decision.

Why the Change?
Our goal is to provide you with a more stable and feature-rich experience. By transitioning to a quarterly cadence, we can dedicate more time to rigorous testing and development, ensuring that each release attains the highest quality possible. This change will also enable us to incorporate your feedback and implement features that genuinely enhance your workflow.

What to Expect:

  • More Stable Product Releases: Quarterly releases mean more comprehensive testing, resulting in more reliable updates.

  • Exciting Features: Our upcoming releases are packed with exciting features that you'll appreciate.

Why is the product release cadence changing from weekly to quarterly?
We are transitioning to a quarterly release cadence to enhance the quality and stability of our product releases. This change allows us to invest more time in testing and development, ensuring that each release is reliable and feature-rich.

When will this change take effect?
Liferay Portal GA102 is our first Quarterly Release with the next one scheduled to be released in March 2024.  Going forward, all Liferay Portal 7.4 users should be using a Quarterly Release in their production environments.

How will I be notified about new releases under the quarterly cadence?
For each new Quarterly Release, an announcement will be posted on similar to how the weekly releases were announced..

Can I still provide feedback or request features during this time?
Your feedback is precious to us. We encourage you to continue sharing your thoughts, suggestions, and feature requests through this page. Your input will help shape the future of our product.

Where can I find more information about the quarterly releases and their features?
Detailed information about Quarterly Releases, including feature highlights, will be available on during the release announcement. We recommend checking these resources regularly for the latest updates.

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I must say I am bit confused. So... ga102 is the current version generally available and recommended for production sites? However, the download page offers only ga106. And Liferay Developer Studio offers ga107 as the default community version. Should we just ignore the newer versions and/or perhaps use them for new development?

The decision to switch to Quarterly releases came after we released DXP 2023.Q4 for CE.  102 is the basis for DXP 2023.Q4 so it has undergone more testing than the weeklies released after it.  

To quote the DXP Quarterly release FAQ on weekly releases it says "You will be able to use weekly updates only to preview upcoming enhancements and new features. We recommend against using weekly updates in any production environment. Quarterly Releases have undergone more rigorous testing".

So I would stick to GA102 for development.  Hope that helps.