Liferay Portal 7.4 GA82 and Liferay Commerce 4.0 GA82 Release

We are pleased to announce the release of Liferay Portal 7.4 GA82


Download options

Liferay Portal and Liferay Commerce share the same Bundle and Docker image.  To get started using either Liferay Portal or Liferay Commerce, choose the best download option suited for your environment below.

Docker image

To use Liferay Portal 7.4 GA82:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 liferay/portal:

For more information on using the official Liferay docker image see the liferay/portal repo on Docker Hub.

Bundles and other download options

If you are used to binary releases, you can find the Liferay Portal 7.4 GA82 and Liferay Commerce 4.0 GA82 release on the download page.  If you need additional files (for example, the source code, or dependency libraries), visit the release page.

Dependency Management

For development using the Liferay Platform, update Liferay Workspace to use the  latest dependencies, by adding the following line to the build.gradle file:

dependencies {
	compileOnly group: "com.liferay.portal", name: "release.portal.api"

All portal dependencies are now defined with a single declaration. When using an IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ all apis are immediately available in autocomplete for immediate use.  

By setting a product info key property it will be possible to update all dependencies to a new version by updating the liferay.workspace.product property in the liferay workspace projects file:

liferay.workspace.product = portal-7.4-ga82

When using an IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ all apis are immediately available in autocomplete for immediate use.


Experience Management

New template added for Message Board notification emails

Added a HTML template that provides more context for the email notifications users get when Message Added Email and Message Updated Email are triggered on Message Boards.
For this, three new terms were added:

  • Message siblings: message thread of messages at the same level

  • Message parents: the message body of the parent message

  • Root message body: the message body of the original message



Portlets in the Contacts module have been pushed to maintenance mode

We will deprecate portlets that are in the Contacts module.

These are:

  1. Contacts Center

  2. Members

  3. My Contacts

  4. Profile

This epic is about the first step, we pushed the modules to maintenance mode.


Content Security Policy (CSP)

With this new feature as an Instance or Site Administrator you are capable to configure Content-Security-Policy HTTP header to your site and you can have a nonce to be generated to all the script and style elements on the pages if the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header is enabled.

Allow developers to filter using data of related elements for custom Objects

Now, developers will be able to filter Custom Object Entries using the values of fields of the related elements of a given Object entry.

It is possible to filter as many levels deep as needed. The format of the filter query needs to be:


being relationshipName1, relationshipName(i), etc the different relationship names that join Object 1 with Object i, and fieldNameN being the name of the field of the latest Object definition on which the user wants to filter.

In addition to this, we have enhanced our nesting capabilities so now it is possible to retrieve data for and Object entry and its related elements, supporting several levels of nesting.

The names of the different relationships to retrieve need to be specified in the nestedFields parameter separated by commas. Additionally, the nestedFieldsDepth parameter with the number of levels to retrieve needs to be specified in order to indicate Liferay how many levels deep it needs to nest

Display summary of failed staging process

From now on the users can view the summary of failed staging processes, which can help them to solve the issue(s) which caused the staging process to fail.

Optimize storing LAR files in the Document and Media Library

Using LAR files for export/import in portal are stored in DM. These LAR files can increase the size of the DM significantly. We have changed this, so the LARs are not kept in the DM after export/import process.


Improve the customization options of export/import validation

On LPS-136108: URLs using a virtual host are always reformatted on export and import, even in cases where they don't need to beCLOSED the validation of the web content's content was added for Liferay layout urls. Before this, there was no validation, so users could create their customizations where they could add different urls to web content's content. After the validation was added, the some custom urls became unable to be added to web content's content. From user perspective this was a feature loss, so we decided to deliver a feature to make customers able to add their custom urls to web content's content field.This feature is about adding a configuration for storing user’s relative url patterns. So custom urls containing this pattern would bypass validation.



All documentation for Liferay Portal and Liferay Commerce can now be found on our documentation site:  For more information on upgrading to Liferay Portal 7.4 GA82 see refer to the Upgrade Overview.

Compatibility Matrix

Liferay's general policy is to test Liferay Portal and Liferay Commerce  against newer major releases of operating systems, open source app servers, browsers, and open source databases (we regularly update the bundled upstream libraries to fix bugs or take advantage of new features in the open source we depend on). 

Liferay Portal 7.4 GA82 and Liferay Commerce 4.0 GA82 were tested extensively for use with the following Application/Database Servers: 

Application Server

  • Tomcat 9.0

  • Wildfly 18.0, 23.0


  • MySQL 5.7, 8.0

  • MariaDB 10.2, 10.4

  • PostgreSQL 12.x, 13.x


  • IBM J9 JDK 8

  • Oracle JDK 8

  • Oracle JDK 11

  • All Java Technical Compatibility Kit (TCK) compliant builds of Java 11 and Java 8

Search Engine Compatibility Matrix

Source Code

Source is available as a zip archive on the release page, or on its home on GitHub. If you're interested in contributing, take a look at our contribution page.

Bug Reporting

If you believe you have encountered a bug in the new release you can report your issue by following the bug reporting instructions.

Getting Support

Support is provided by our awesome community. Please visit helping a developer page for more details on how you can receive support.

Fixes and Known Issues