Liferay Portal 7.4 GA5 and Liferay Commerce 4.0 GA5 Release

We are pleased to announce the release of Liferay Portal 7.4 GA5 and Liferay Commerce 4.0 GA5!



Download options

Liferay Portal and Liferay Commerce share the same Bundle and Docker image.  To get started using either Liferay Portal or Liferay Commerce, choose the best download option suited for your environment below.

Docker image

To use Liferay Portal 7.4 GA5:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 liferay/portal:

For more information on using the official Liferay docker image see the liferay/portal repo on Docker Hub.

Bundles and other download options

If you are used to binary releases, you can find the Liferay Portal 7.4 GA5 and Liferay Commerce 4.0 GA5 release on the download page.  If you need additional files (for example, the source code, or dependency libraries), visit the release page.

Dependency Management

For development using the Liferay Platform, update Liferay Workspace to use the  latest dependencies, by adding the following line to the build.gradle file:

dependencies {
   compileOnly group: "com.liferay.portal", name: "release.portal.api"

All portal dependencies are now defined with a single declaration. When using an IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ all apis are immediately available in autocomplete for immediate use.  

By setting a product info key property it will be possible to update all dependencies to a new version by updating the liferay.workspace.product property in the liferay workspace projects file:

liferay.workspace.product = portal-7.4-ga5

When using an IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ all apis are immediately available in autocomplete for immediate use.



Shop By Diagram

With the release of Commerce 2.0, we introduced the concept of bill of materials, allowing admins to upload diagrams of components and match points within the diagram with products. Buyers could then very easily find the right product within a component when browsing the site.

Update Liferay Commerce Widgets into Liferay Info Framework Components

Update all current storefront code to use the new Liferay Info Framework in order to make it more flexible and easier to customize for implementers.

Optimize Product Images for Specific Devices

Automatically optimize product images for the screen size that the user is displaying them on so the page loads faster.

Support Units of Measure (UOM) - Import historical order with decimal quantity

The Unit of Measure (UOM) feature allows system admin or an order manager, to import historical orders with decimal quantity and unit of measure.

Manufacturing use case
Single SKU, multiple UOM. Can cover retail grocery use case as well.

Retail Grocery use case
Multiple SKUs (e.g. consumer unit, traded units, pallet) and a single UOM. A UOM is a multiplier of one SKU's quantity to make another SKU's quantity.

Experience Managment

Shortcuts for previewing content pages’ drafts

We’ve added some new options to facilitate managing the drafts of content pages. Until now, and from Liferay 7.3, users have had the option to preview a draft of a content page in the page editor. Now there are two shortcuts for this action without entering the page editor: one in pages’ administration, and the other one in the page tree. When the user has the required permissions and the page is in draft state, they will be able to see a new action, called “Preview Draft“, which upon click will open a new window with the rendered draft. We’ve also added a hint for the users that the page is in draft state. So if the page is in draft state, an (*) will be shown at the end of the name only for users with update permissions, and the action will be available to be selected.

Switching among experiences from the view and the preview modes of the page

Now the list of experiences in a content page, that is, the different variations of the page for specific audiences (segments), is available from the view and the preview mode of the page, so it is possible to see and review all experiences in a page without entering the edit mode.

The list of experiences is easily accessible through a dropdown placed in the control bar.

New (and ordered) color picker in the Page Editor

So far the existing color picker in the Page Editor provided a selection of colors from Style Book in a messy way and this made the selection confusing. For this reason, the color picker has been enhanced to show all colors in an orderly way, divided by categories and token sets. In addition, it contains a search bar that works as a filter helping the user quickly identify a color. The user can search by category, token set, token value (color associated name) or hexadecimal colo  ​​​​​​

New configuration to the Banner Slider and Slider fragments to set the number of slides

We have modified the Banner Slider and the Slider fragments so that they can be configured to set the number of items that the content creator wants them to show. Both fragments have available a new field in the General tab, labeled Number of Slides.

Auditing site vocabularies in the Content Audit Tool

As the content audit tool has revealed itself to be a useful tool for content marketing teams, we aim to enlarge the scope of the feature by allowing to audit also the site vocabularies. When opening the graph's configuration modal, the list of "Available" vocabularies will include all vocabularies from all the sites & asset libraries in the instance, along with the Global ones. The selected vocabularies in the right box (Current) will determine which vocabularies are available for selection in the left box, so that the user cannot select two vocabularies from different sites (the only exception will be Global vocabularies, that can be combined with any other site’s vocabulary).

Clarify SEO metatags in Display Page Templates

Now page admins have the context of the label in the fields that they are mapping to fill the metatags of Display Page Templates


Auditing site vocabularies in the Content Audit Tool

As the content audit tool has revealed itself to be a useful tool for content marketing teams, we aim to enlarge the scope of the feature by allowing to audit also the site vocabularies. When opening the graph's configuration modal, the list of "Available" vocabularies will include all vocabularies from all the sites & asset libraries in the instance, along with the Global ones. The selected vocabularies in the right box (Current) will determine which vocabularies are available for selection in the left box, so that the user cannot select two vocabularies from different sites (the only exception will be Global vocabularies, that can be combined with any other site’s vocabulary).


Forms & Data Engine

Decimal mask enhancement

Allows users to limit the number of decimal places after the decimal separator in masks for numeric fields type decimal. Important for currency masks for example.

Language manager for web content structures

With the migration from DDL to Data Engine, web content structures ended up losing the ability to delete available languages and to reset entire translations. The goal of the translation manager is to give back this power to users.

Platform Improvements

Create centralized portal language module

Consolidated Language properties to a centralized location

Push down osgi/core jars to shielded container

Removes dependency on Application Servers classloader

Allow an object to be deployed as a widget

Besides being able to publish objects and get its portletid, now users can also add specific objects portlets to display pages with widgets. With this flexibility, customers can create experiences and compose pages with the object portlet and other components as other widgets or fragments.

Updated Node version

Now Liferay 7.4 and all its dependencies use the latest node LTS which is 16.x. Our gradle-plugins now use the latest node LTS


All documentation for Liferay Portal and Liferay Commerce can now be found on our documentation site:  For more information on upgrading to Liferay Portal 7.4 GA5 see refer to the Upgrade Overview.

Compatibility Matrix

Liferay's general policy is to test Liferay Portal and Liferay Commerce  against newer major releases of operating systems, open source app servers, browsers, and open source databases (we regularly update the bundled upstream libraries to fix bugs or take advantage of new features in the open source we depend on). 

Liferay Portal 7.4 GA5 and Liferay Commerce 4.0 GA5 were tested extensively for use with the following Application/Database Servers: 

Application Server

  • Tomcat 9.0

  • Wildfly 17.0


  • HSQLDB 2 (only for demonstration, development, and testing)

  • MySQL 5.7, 8.0

  • MariaDB 10.2, 10.4

  • PostgreSQL 12.x, 13.x


  • IBM J9 JDK 8

  • Oracle JDK 8

  • Oracle JDK 11

  • All Java Technical Compatibility Kit (TCK) compliant builds of Java 11 and Java 8

Source Code

Source is available as a zip archive on the release page, or on its home on GitHub. If you're interested in contributing, take a look at our contribution page.

Bug Reporting

If you believe you have encountered a bug in the new release you can report your issue by following the bug reporting instructions.

Getting Support

Support is provided by our awesome community. Please visit helping a developer page for more details on how you can receive support.

Fixes and Known Issues

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