Liferay Portal 7.2 CE Beta 3 Release

I'm pleased to announce the immediate availability of: Liferay Portal 7.2 CE Beta 3!

Download Beta 3 now!


Our documentation team is working hard to create all of the docs for 7.2.  We are in the midst of creating a new site to replace LDN that will feature an updated format for the documentation.   In the meantime we have created a temporary site for the 7.2 docs in order to share what we have ready.   

New Features Summary

Web Experience

Liferay 7.1 introduced significant changes to Web Experience in how content creators added new content to their sites.  Liferay 7.2 continues on with the great work that was started in 7.1 and vastly improves the overall experience. For more information please see Web Experience new features in Liferay Portal 7.2 b1 by David Gómez for more info.

Personalization and Segmentation

With Liferay 7.2 the feature that was formerly known as Audience Targeting is now a part of the core product.  Not only that, it has undergone many changes and is vastly improved over the older versions. For more information please see Creating Personalized Experiences with Liferay 7.2 by Eduardo Garcia for more details.

User & System Management

Liferay 7.2 Beta 1 introduced new features for User & System Management.  Details can be found in the release announcement for beta 1.


Liferay 7.2 Beta 1 introduced new features for Tooling.  Details can be found in the release announcement for beta 1.


Liferay 7.2 Alpha 1 introduced many exciting new features for collaboration and were covered in the release announcement.

Bug Reporting

If you believe you have encountered a bug in the new release you can report your issue on  Be sure to check the  list of known issues in Liferay 7.2 Beta 3

Creating Tickets

  • Navigate to

  • Click on the Create button in JIRA

  • Select Public - Liferay Portal Community Edition as the project

  • Select either a Bug or Regression Bug as the issue type.

  • Click Next

  • Summary: Write a brief summary of the bug (e.g. Image Editor cannot be loaded, Console errors appear after publishing Blogs post)
  • Component - Select the Component where the bug was found

  • Bug Type - Leave as none

  • Security Level - Leave this blank

  • Affect Version - Select what version(s) of Portal are affected by this bug (e.g. 7.2.0 Beta 3)

  • Description - Write out the steps to reproduce and (if applicable) the environment you reproduced on using the following format:

Note: The more descriptive a ticket is, the easier it will be for Liferay Staff to understand the issue you are describing. Take screenshots, gifs, videos, etc. liberally.

  • Click Create

That’s it! A Liferay staff member will validate the issue and contact you if there are any questions.


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