Liferay Portal 6 Preview Released

Happy to announce the release of Liferay Portal 6 Preview. You can download the files from SourceForge here.

The RC will be released in a few weeks with the GA to follow. Plugins for 6 will be released along with the GA.

Note that this is a Preview release and should not be used in production.


<french>Félicitations à vous tous !</french>.
I follow the trunk source daily and the new architecture is a great work.
I have install it now but somethimes when you delete a page it don't go away and if you delete it again then TomCat gives a lot of errors.. I just want to let you know this and I don't know if this is normal. and just an other question: is it possible to make a script that you really can delete a plugin in the control panel and not only disable it?

Sorry for my bad english..

Can you point me in the direction of release Note or something similar that lists whet new features are in this release?
Great job Brian!

For those of you downloading and testing this. Please let us know the issues that you find in the Beta Testing category of the forum:

Please provide as much information as possible to reproduce the issue.
Is it possible to run this version as a windows service? by moddify the old (liferay 5 version) service.bat? because tomcat.exe isn't in the bin directory anymore!!
Cool. It'd be nice if you guys put the word preview or something in the sourceforge file names to differentiate them from the final files that will replace them eventually.
Felicidades!!!!!! Tengo ganas de ver le nuevo Liferay 6
Could somebody tell me what the login is to 6?
It's the usual: / test

Thanks for replying but it doesn't work for some reason. Is there a supporting mysql database?
I just would like to thank Liferay developer team for keeping LR6's database structure similar to 5.2.3. We have synchronization app with other databases that inserts data into 5.2.3 so it looks like switching to LR6 won't require us to modify our synchronization app much. Thanks again.
Liferay 6.0 BUG !!

I suspected there is a bug when you change your language to xx (ie TR) after that when you click liferay (smal text showing the company name) it is sending you to localhost:8080/tr/tr whics is not exists.. I couldn find a way to solve this..

Any idea ?
I love the new UI design and great to see the tag cloud portlet work with asset publisher!
Thanks to all developers and contributors.
The new UI is more clean and intuitive .. emoticon
thanks to the Liferay team and the community..