Liferay Portal 6 GA 3 Released

GA 3 is a bug fix release for GA 2.

Changes are available on our Issue Tracker.

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In GA3 Asset Publisher broken, see LPS-12008.
Or this issue occured only for me? I'm check on two different liferay installation.
Release 6.0.5 in Maven repository too please.
It's already on Maven. Thx Bruno.
Then I am not looking at the right place ? I can see 6.0.2, 6.0.3, 6.0.4 but not 6.0.5

Searched here:
and here
Hey Bruno, you should be fine now, let me know if not.
The maven repository has the wrong jars for 6.0.5. The SF Release has date 8/16 and the repo 8/19. This leads to some nasty when invoking liferay remotely (e.g. CompanyServiceHttp.getCompanyByWebId)!
Hey Raphael,

The difference on the dates of the artifacts does not mean that they are different in the content, they are the same. The Maven repository has the correct artifacts since they were built and uploaded using the released tag 6.0.5. Your problem should be related to other issue. Could you open a ticket about it and let me know? I will try to help you.
Hi Thiago,

the correspondig issue is Unfortunately some files are definetly different in size at least:

unzip -l sf/portal-impl.jar | grep CompanyImpl
6363 08-16-2010 10:43 com/liferay/portal/model/impl/CompanyImpl.class

unzip -l repo/portal-impl-6.0.5.jar | grep CompanyImpl
6416 08-19-2010 12:02 com/liferay/portal/model/impl/CompanyImpl.class

see stacktrace in issue (Serialization error)
Hi Brian,

It looks like the "Liferay Plugins" in SF is not updated with the 6.0.5 plugins. Please see the related post.
Thanks for this new version.

Will there be an upgrade / alternative for the Search and Invite Friends Portlet?