Liferay Portal 6.1-CE on JBoss AS71


After setting up Liferay Portal 6.1-CE on  JBoss AS7 based in this post,  i thought it was a piece of cake to deploy Liferay Portal 6.1-CE on JBoss AS7.1(Thunder) but not until i found that we need to do few more updates rather changes to Liferay 6.1-JBoss CE bundle.

Here is the list of what we need to do,

$JBOSS_70_HOME - refers to the Liferay 6.1-CE JBoss AS 7.0.2 directory or any JBoss AS 7.0.2 directory where you have deployed Liferay Portal

  1. Liferay Modules -- Check the $JBOSS_70_HOME/modules/com/liferay/portal/main/module.xml you will see urn:jboss:module:1.0,the we need to update to urn:jboss:module:1.1, once one we can copy it to the $JBOSS71_HOME/modules directory
  2. You need to repeat this for any additonal modules that you might have deployed to the JBOSSAS_70 JBoss Portal bundle
  3. Deployment Structure (optional) -- Based on this AS71 post, I understood that JBoss AS71 does not export the system module, but if we check  $JBOSS71_HOME/standalone/deployments/ROOT.war/WEB-INF/jboss-deployment-structure.xml you will see an dependency as follows,
                      <module name="system" export="false">
                                    <include path="com/sun/jmx"/>
                                    <exclude path="/**" />
           Just remove or comment that entry
And that's it once we do that and try redeploying the ROOT.war (rename the ROOT.war.failed --> ROOT.war.dodeploy) will trigger the deployment.