Liferay IntelliJ Plugin 1.5.0 

Head over to this page for downloading Liferay IntelliJ 1.5.0 plugin.

Release Highlights:

  • Add support for development on Liferay 7.2
  • Update embedded blade to 3.7.0
  • Add index sources option in new Liferay Workspace wizard
  • Add inspections for service.xml editor

Some screenshots

Index sources in new Liferay Wroskapce wizard

By default, "index sources" is not checked. And you can find the "target.platform.index.sources" property has been set to false in


Inspections for service.xml


Special Thanks

Thanks to Dominik Marks for the improvements.



If you run into any issues or have any suggestion, please come find us on our community forums or report them on JIRA (INTELLIJ project), we are always around try to help you out. Good luck!