Liferay in Action MEAP Update

The Liferay in Action MEAP update came out on Christmas Eve, so I wanted to make sure that I let everyone knew about it in case you, like me, have been offline for the past few days. So Merry Christmas from me, Liferay and Manning: you get a whopping big chapter which covers a lot of ground: 

- Liferay's asset system, which undergirds a lot of other features
- Workflow-enabling your applications
- Adding tags and categories to your entities
- Using Liferay's ratings and commenting systems in your applications
- And if that weren't enough, how to do custom SQL queries in Service Builder!
I hope you all are enjoying your holidays. I sort of need to get back to mine, as my daughter is standing next to me waiting for me to finish this so we can go out and play in the snow. So I wish you all the best of holidays and a very happy New Year! And if you plan on taking a look at the MEAP, I hope it serves your Liferay needs or at least provides you some good, diverting reading material! 
Hi Richard

It is indeed a very informing chapter and the whole book is an excellent one.

My favored part is IOC usage pattern in Liferay as well as the focus on the usage pattern of adding resources and assets in XXXlocalservice. You have demystified the ServiceContext for sure and how service level calls get access to request parameters. That is very well done.

I enjoyed all chapters equally well. If I can make a small suggestion here, I think listing 8.5 can be done without resorting to MVC model 1. A little CSS and a small jQuery/Alloy function can make this hover trick neater without resorting to building html dynamically. I would also like to see search terms added to the section on the search container.

Thanks again, it was a nice holiday gift..