Liferay Faces 3.1.3-ga4 Released

This release was about doing lots of hard work to get things that are just nice to have.  Or rather, lots of hard work to get things to the point that you do not have to have them anymore, like zero configuration of those silly listeners we always had to declare in the bottom of every web.xml whenever we wanted to simply publish a new portlet.

But yet this release was also more great icing on the cake that we did not expect to get done.  Indeed, some things that many developers do not expect to get done ... like Documentation.
Near and dear to many developers is that special kind of documentation that is complete, thorough, and even readable to the point that it looks like it was painful to create, but then on closer inspection, you see that it is complete because it was more automated than painful.
And then, you realize that you may benefit from this documentation even more than when you were simply thinking of it as a reference, because now you see that the tool they used to automate their documentation is useful on your current faces apps.  You too can get that same bling that your project desperately needs.
Yes, that's what I am talking about: useful documentation, and useful tools for making documentation.  Take a look at the View Decoration Language tool Vdldoc.
Originally forked and recently updated by this fellow who has some ridiculous reputation over on stackoverflow.
Vdldoc has now been enhanced to support composite as well as custom components. This helped our project publish complete vdldocs here.
It was great fun to work on a tool like Vdldoc that will help many developers whether they use Liferay or not.
If you still need to know more about this release, get some here.