Liferay Certification Changes

If you've recently been looking for the Liferay Certifications, tried to find the materials or register to take a certification exam, you may have found that they are no longer where they used to be.

In the near future Liferay will be unveiling and launching a new Enablement and Certification program that will be a major step forward in delivering concrete enablement for our partners, clients and community.

To make way for that announcement, we have made the following changes:

  • Retiring Legacy Certifications: User purchase of previous certification programs has been discontinued. This includes all of the various versions of “Front-end” / ”Back-end” developer exams that were associated with the various Liferay 6 and earlier 7 versions. Pages on that refer to these certifications were removed and redirected to
  • Content Accessibility: While the old certification process will no longer be available to purchase, the certification content will remain available on YouTube, and presented as an index on}, in case there are users who require access to those older resources.
  • New Design for We will be making major changes to how we present Courses, Learning Paths, and Certifications on in the coming months to deliver a great experience to all of our users.
  • Why Are We Doing This?: Certifications based upon outdated content that is at least two years removed from the current state of Liferay’s capabilities and offerings only certifies how things used to be done and doesn't demonstrate an understanding of how to deliver current solutions on Liferay.

These changes serve as the prologue to significant evolutions in our Enablement and Certification strategy. Thank you for your patience as we continue to evolve the Enablement program!

For further information, the FAQ and recent updates, check

If you have previously paid for an exam but scheduled it for a future date, WebAssessor may still show your exam as scheduled, but it really isn't. You'll likely be turned away at the door.

If you are in this boat, the FAQ on to explain how to request a refund.