Liferay Blogs RSS feed (make sure you have the right URL!)

Did you know that you could subscribe to a RSS feed for Liferay blogs? You can use this URL to subscribe to community blogs on the site:

In addition to the community blogs, we also have blogs on our main web site on a variety of topics:

Starting next week (by October 14th or 15th), we will also offer an RSS feed for our main web site blogs at

Up till now, the blogs RSS feed for our main web site was pointing to the community blogs, so if you happened to have set up your community blog RSS feed through our main web site URL( - please update your RSS url to the one above.

​​​​​Coming later this year we are also redesigning the blogs on to have a new look and feel and also to take advantage of new features like collection providers and display page templates for publishing our blog content.




Thanks for the heads up - Now that you gave away that you're doing stuff there, I expect some details about the modifications that you're doing there on this blog - given that has the more technical "how to" content.

On the RSS URL: It's enough to go without all of those IDs, just​​​​​​​ is fine and works well.