Liferay at Gartner PCC Summit 2011 in Los Angeles

  Were you able to visit us at the Gartner Portals, Content and Collaboration Summit in Los Angeles this last week?  We presented to numerous customers and interested business leaders in our booth.  I am sorry if you stopped by and we were unable to speak to you personally, we were inundated with visitors and we tried to get to everyone.  Several times I had to use my iPad to demo Liferay's WCM workflow capabilities, or social office file sharing, or Alloy components, etc., while standing outside the booth because there were too many people next to the demo stations.  If you missed us, and you want any information or can provide feedback, be sure to email me or the team.

Gartner analysts mentioned Liferay several times while onstage and also invited Jennifer Lohse from Deluxe Corp to be a speaker on a panel discussing how to build successful projects using Liferay.   Gartner also discussed a great deal about the importance of portals, and how portals, web content and collaboration fields are combining (both through product integrations and wider product capabilities) to provide customer's a user experience platform.  Liferay includes a lot of of those capabilities in a tight integrated platform which is perhaps one reason our booth was filled with so many people. 

We were also able to team up with several different partners and ISV's at the show also and we'll be announcing the winner of our cool prizes.  We chose this, rather than an iPad as several others were giving away iPads and always being two steps ahead, we thought this would be a good gift works because it works with an iPad/iPhone.  You can actually see through the cameras on the flyer in your iPad as you use the iPad to control the flight.  Fun.