Liferay And...  Jackson

Deploying Jackson as an OSGi module


So often when discussing how to deal with dependencies, we're often looking for ways to package our third party jars into our custom modules.

There's good reason to do this. It ensures that our modules get a version of a third party jar that we've tested with. It also excludes ambiguity over where the dependency will come from, whether it is deployed and available or not, etc.

That said, there is another option that we don't really talk about much, even though it is still a viable one. Many third party jars are actually OSGi-ready and can be deployed as modules separately from your own custom modules.

Jackson, for example, is actually module jars on their own and can be deployed to Liferay just by dropping them into the deploy folder.

Dependencies Deployed as Modules

So why deploy a third party dependency jar as an OSGi module instead of just as an embedded jar?

Often it comes down to either a concern about class loaders or, less frequently, a (misguided) attempt to shrink general modules size. I usually say this is misguided because memory and disk consumption is cheap, and the problems (to be discussed below) often are not worth it.

So what about the class loader concern? Well, when you are using a system which uses class loaders to instantiate java classes, such as with Jackson and it marshaling JSON into Java objects with Jackson annotations, class loader hierarchies and the normal boundaries between OSGi modules can make general OSGi usage a challenge when the annotations are used in different bundles.

For example, if you have module A and module B and both have POJOs decorated with Jackson annotations, you could run into issues with the annotations. When performing a package scan for classes decorated with the annotations, if the annotation is loaded by a different class loader it is effectively a different class and may not be visible during annotation processing.

If your package is deployed as a standalone module, though, then all bundles sharing the dependency will pull from the same module and therefore the same class loader.

A downside of this, though, is with versioning. If you deploy Jackson 2.9.3 and 2.9.7, there are two competing versions available and can still lead to class loader issues when the different versions are used at the same time. In the case of just a single version deployed, then you have the typical concern of all modules stuck using an agreed upon version.

Is My Dependency OSGi Ready?

So the first thing you'll need to know is whether your third party dependency jar is an OSGi module or not.

The most complicated way to find out is by opening up your jar with a zip tool to look at the contents. If the jar is a bundle, the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file will contain the OSGi headers like Bundle-Name, Bundle-SymbolicName, Bundle-Version, etc. Additionally you may have OSGi-specific files in the META-INF folder for declarative services.

An easier way is just to use one of the Maven repo search tools. When looking for jackson-core 2.9.6 in, you come across the page like

Under the Files section, it is shown as a bundle w/ the size. This means it is an OSGi-ready bundle. When not OSGi-ready, the search tools will typically show it as just a jar.

This and the other Jackson jars are all marked as bundles, so I know I can deploy them as modules.

Deploying Jackson as Modules

So for a future "Liferay And..." blog post, I have need of Jackson as a module instead of as just a dependency, so in this post we're going to focus on deploying Jackson as modules. Sure this may not be necessary for all deployments or usage of Jackson, but it is for me.

Okay, so our test is going to be to build a couple of modules w/ some POJOs decorated with Jackson annotations and a module that will be marshaling to/from JSON. In order to do this, we need to have the following Jackson modules deployed:

  • compile group: 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core', name: 'jackson-core', version: '2.9.6'
  • compile group: 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core', name: 'jackson-annotations', version: '2.9.6'
  • compile group: 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core', name: 'jackson-databind', version: '2.9.6'
  • compile group: 'com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype', name: 'jackson-datatype-jdk8', version: '2.9.6'
  • compile group: 'com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype', name: 'jackson-datatype-jsr310', version: '2.9.6'
  • compile group: 'com.fasterxml.jackson.module', name: 'jackson-module-parameter-names', version: '2.9.6'

Download these bundle jars and drop them into the Liferay deploy folder while Liferay is running. The bundles will deploy into Liferay and you'll see the messages in the log that the bundles are deployed and started.

Building Test Modules

So in the referenced Github repo, we'll build out a Liferay workspace with three module projects:

  1. Animals - Defines the POJOs with Jackson annotations for defining different pet instances.
  2. Persons - Defines a POJO for a person to define their set of pets.
  3. Mappings - Services based upon using Jackson to marshal to/from JSON.
  4. Gogo-Commands - Provides some simple Gogo commands that we can use to test the modules w/o building out a portlet infrastructure.

The Github repo is:

The animals and persons modules are nothing fancy, but they do leverage the Jackson annotations from the deployed OSGi Jackson modules.

The mappings module uses the Jackson ObjectMapper to handle the marshaling. It is capable of processing classes from the other modules.

The gogo module contains some simple gogo shell commands:

Command Description
jackson:createCat Creates a Cat instance and outputs the toString representation of it. Args are [name [breed [age [favorite treat]]]].
jackson:createDog Creates a Dog instance and outputs the toString representation of it. Args are [name [breed [age [likes pigs ears]]]].
jackson:catJson Like createCat, but outputs the JSON representation of the cat.
jackson:dogJson Like createDog, but outputs the JSON representation of the dog.
jackson:cat Parses the given JSON into a Cat object and outputs the toString representation of it. The only argument is the JSON.
jackson:dog Parses the given JSON into a Dog object and outputs the toString representation of it. The only argument is the JSON.

For the cat and dog commands, to pass JSON as a single argument, enclose it in single quotes:

jackson:cat '{"type":"cat","name":"claire","age":6,"breed":"house","treat":"filets"}'


Seems like an odd place to stop, huh?

I mean, we have identified how to find OSGi-ready modules such as the Jackson modules, we have deployed them to Liferay, and we have built modules that depend upon them.

So why introduce Jackson like this and then stop? Well, it is just a preparatory blog for my next post, Liferay And... MongoDB. We'll be leveraging Jackson as part of that solution, so starting with the Jackson deployment is a good starting point.  See you in the next post!

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