Liferay 7 Community Expedition: 1 Month Later

It's been about 1 month since we launched the Liferay 7 Community Expedition! I first want to thank all of you that have spent your valuable time and brain cycles to help with Liferay 7 exploration, and for collaborating with the rest of our open source community to respond to feedback they have given. I wanted to share some statistics and also remind you of what will happen in the next month as we continue our march toward the next major Liferay release.

165 community members signed up.

208 feedback forum posts (from 40 members)

1733 downloads of Milestone 3

2240 downloads of Milestone 4

6 cross-functional team wiki pages for M4

Where are the explorers?

Size? Large, apparently

Type? Developers, yay!

Interests and Goals?

The 6 teams (WCM, Staging, IDE, Collab & DM, Business Productivity, Front-end Infra) have received a lot of great feedback so far, and I hope it keeps coming! I fully expect a lot of activity around the time each Milestone is released, so it's really great to see the regular Milestones coming from the engineering and release teams, giving us a continuous view onto how Liferay 7 is evolving (and an awesome chance for you to help shape it). I also expect more teams to come online in the expedition as we get farther along. We've gotten a lot of positive feedback and social media traffic regarding this effort, so kudos again to everyone that has taken the time to participate, let's keep it going and make Liferay 7 the best EVAR!!!!!