Liferay 6.1 GA2 Maven release

I'm glad to announce that we have release maven artifacts for Liferay 6.1 GA2 for both EE and CE. The CE version of portal artficats are in currently in Sonatype's repository waiting to be synced to Central and EE artifacts are available for download in customer portal like before. We've also released the Liferay Maven Support project that is the plugins sdk equivalent for Maven.  Both CE and EE compatible versions are being synced to Central. Please remember that this is not supported through your portal support contract. If you find any bugs in the Maven plugin or archetypes please file them to the MAVEN Jira project. The CE GA2 version number is 6.1.1 and EE GA2 version number is 6.1.20. Remember to use a version corresponding to your running portal version as mixing versions might cause problems.

We've also added some new features and improvements.

New features

  • DBBuilder - build-db goal allows you to execute the DBBuilder to generate SQL files
  • SassToCSSBuilder - build-css goal precompiles SASS in your css and this goal has been added to theme archetype
  • JSF Portlet Archetype
  • ICEFaces Portlet Archetype
  • PrimeFaces Portlet Archetype
  • Liferay Faces Alloy Portlet Archetype


  • Allow setting service build number and turn off auto increment for ServiceBuilder. 
  • Allow build-service and direct-deploy from the parent project for Service builder and Ext projects.


Where can I found more info about direct-deploy? In which cases I should use this goal?
I welcome the Maven support. The only thing I am complaining now is that it is not very clear as to how to get started with the Maven support that Liferay as a company is giving to it.

Liferay Maven Support, good, but I am not getting to it. I know this is a blog post and many topics are not covered because it is assumed that we should have known the Maven Support is long dated.

I also don't know why v6.0.x was not included in this Maven support.

A question. Why SaaS and not Less or even both?

I mean, it would be desirable to have a much more dedicated page to get started about this Maven Support and be current.
Hi Carlos,
We currently have a Maven supported page that is under construction for our Developer's Guide. This page will be intended for getting started and how to get users up to speed with Maven. This section will serve as a centrally located place geared exclusively for Liferay's use of Maven.
I failed to find liferay-maven-plugin artifacts on Maven Central or Sonatype for GA2.
If you search for "com.liferay.maven" at, you should be able to find artifacts with version 6.1.1 which means 6.1 CE GA2.
Thanks for your response!
But I am looking for 6.1.20 version(EE)
The 6.1.20 artifacts will be available in Maven Central soon.

For now, you can click on the "ZIP" button for the 6.1.20 tag at GitHub:

Then after extracting the ZIP, open a terminal window in the extracted folder and type "mvn clean install"

That will install the artifacts into your local repository.
6.1.20 version is now re released after it was accidentally removed.
Hi Mike,
I am not able to find jar files of version 6.1.20 from maven repo or from sonatype. Please help.
Hi Neil, Thanks for the reply, but i used the same dependencies but maven is not able to find and download the dependencies for version 6.1.20
The EE portal artifacts are available for download on customer portal. You need to install them to your own repository.
I've just installed Liferay 6.1.1 GA2, and it works fine. I am developing a simple example with Maven and Liferay Maven SDK, I've indicate liferay.version=6.1.1, but it tries download artifacts 6.1.20. The artifacts are not in Maven Central. A simple search in Maven Central of util-bridges, shows:
com.liferay.portal util-bridges 6.1.1 all (8) 08-Aug-2012

May be artifacts are in another repository?
Thank you for your time.
More info:
When I do
mvn package
all works fine. I manually deploy the war to liferay and it works.
But when I do
mvn liferay:deploy
It tries to download 6.1.20 artifacts and show dependency errors.
Hi Ramón,

I'm having the same problem. Did you get to solve it?

Thank you very much
The same for me. Executing mvn liferay:deploy I get this error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.liferay.maven.plugins:liferay-maven-plugin:6.1.20:deploy (default-cli) on project intranet-parent: Execution default-cli of goal com.liferay.maven.plugins:liferay-maven-plugin:6.1.20:deploy failed: Plugin com.liferay.maven.plugins:liferay-maven-plugin:6.1.20 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: The following artifacts could not be resolved: com.liferay.portal:portal-impl:jar:6.1.20, com.liferay.portal:portal-service:jar:6.1.20, com.liferay.portal:util-bridges:jar:6.1.20, com.liferay.portal:util-java:jar:6.1.20: Failure to find com.liferay.portal:portal-impl:jar:6.1.20 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced

I can not find “My Workflow Tasks” and "My Submissions" in control pannel of Liferay 6.1 GA2 CE
Any chance that you could provide the correct versions and maven artifact data for the libraries bundled in Liferay? Finding it out is currently a bit of a detective work.
"Please remember that this is not supported through your portal support contract."

Can you explain what is not supported? If we use this and have EE, we cannot contact support at all? or just regarding build issues? Is there an ETA as to when Liferay will support Maven officially?
Ed the artifacts like portal-impl, portal-web etc are supported through EE but the so called SDK is not. We are working on completely decoupling the sdk from portal version so that we can provide new releases faster and independently from the portal.
I cant get either mvn liferay:deploy or mvn liferay:build-service to work with my local nexus. I followed the maven plugin development guide online:

Failed to execute goal com.liferay.maven.plugins:liferay-maven-plugin:6.1.1:build-service (default-cli) on proje
ct sample-service-portlet: Execution default-cli of goal com.liferay.maven.plugins:liferay-maven-plugin:6.1.1:build-serv
ice failed: Plugin com.liferay.maven.plugins:liferay-maven-plugin:6.1.1 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved
: Failure to find in http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/groups/public was cached in t
he local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of nexus has elapsed or updates are fo
rced -> [Help 1]
goddamn worse piece of bloatware ever created. It amazes me this product is even supported/