Integrate Amazon search using AWS inside your liferay portal

In this blog I will show an example on how we can integrate external applications/services inside your liferay portal.

In my example I created 2 portlets that you can use to integrate amazon search inside your portal page.

Portlet 1: "Amazon Search"

Portlet 2: "Amazon result".

If you want to run this demo  please follow the below steps:

1 -  create your ID from
2 - use the AccessKey Id and register it for Product Advertising API at .
3 - after you upload your WAR file to liferay portal. drag and drop the 2 portlets on a page.

4 - at portlet 1 "Amazon search"  click the "preference" link

5 - add the "Access Key: " and the "Secret Key: " that you create it in the 1st step

6 - this search is for "toys" category, you can edit the code to do search anywhere.

7 - in the search result portlet, you can click on the "details" link to go to amazon page.


you can download the code from here and the WAR file from here

if you will use the WAR file without building the code, please make sure you have JDK 7


Enjoy :-)


Thank you.