How do I change Liferay Portal web context path from ROOT to portal


The article outlines the steps to change the default Liferay Portal web context from "/" to "/portal" ?


Step 1 - Over-ride property "portal.ctx"

Over-ride the property "portal.ctx" in file "LIFERAY_HOME/".

Add (or over-ride) the following property :


Step 2 - Deploy (or redeploy) the Liferay portal web app to the new context path.

Step 2.1 - Example using Liferay Portal 6.1 + Tomcat bundle

If you are using a Liferay Portal 6.1 + Tomcat bundle, you can change the Liferay Portal web app context path to "/portal" as follows :

  • Move/rename folder "TOMCAT/webapps/ROOT" to "TOMCAT/webapps/portal".
  • Move/rename context file "TOMCAT/conf/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml" to "TOMCAT/conf/Catalina/localhost/portal.xml"

Liferay Portal will now rewrite all paths relative to "/portal". Hence "/web/guest' will become "/portal/web/guest".
NOTE: If you are using a different Java web application server, or a non-LP+Tomcat bundle, the configuration process may vary.
