How about leveraging Liferay Forms by adding your own form field?

Well, if you're reading this post, I can say you're interested, and maybe anxious, to find out how to create your own form field and deploy it to Liferay Forms, am I right? Therefore, keep reading and see how easy is to complete this task.

The first step we need to do is to install blade-cli ( by the way, what a nice tool! It boosts a lot your Liferay development speed! ), then just type the following:

blade create -t form-field -v 7.1 [customFormFieldNameInCamelCase]

Nice! But, I would like to create a custom form field in Liferay DXP 7.0, is this possible?

For sure! Try the command below:

blade create -t form-field -v 7.0 [customFormFieldNameInCamelCase]

Since version of blade-cli, the developer can choose to name his/her form field module using hyphens as a word separator, like in custom-form-field, or keep using the Camel Case format. Just to let you know, Liferay's developers use to name their modules using hyphens as a word separator.  :)

That's all Folks! Have a nice customization experience!


Hello Renato ,


I am using DXP 7.1 forms and need to have a custom form field which on addition will always show the logged in user's username. Could you please advise how this can be achieved?