Documentation collaboration?

Liferay has grown from a handful of employees to a mid size corporation. When I first started Liferay in January, 2011, everyone did a little of bit of everything. In 2014, there are now teams and sub-teams. What's one thread that holds us all together? Something more basic than food, air, and rest? The answer: the need to read instructions.

What I have noticed is that those in the engineering and support departments tend to read each other's documentation. We do so in hopes that someone smarter, more articulate, or more experienced, managed to do what we need to do and can teach us. In my three and a half years at Liferay, I have read documentation from Support engineers, Global Services consultants, QA engineers, and of course, our official documentation.

This ought to be encouraged more since no one department has a monopoly on information.

Balanced against wasting time in going no further than one's own department and going the distance, the true goal is collaboration and understanding the different perspectives and needs.

It has been a pleasure working with everyone.


Hi Justin,

Really good to know the importance you people @ Liferay give for documentation and the willing ness to review each others documentation in order to come out with the best. Keep up the good work.

Ahamed Hasan
Author, Liferay Cookbook