Delivering Localised Documents & Assets

A customer recently asked me how Liferay can help them deliver documents to their users based on user-preferred language. One of the easiest ways to do this is through Liferay’s out-of-the-box web content localisation feature. In this  blog entry, I will show how this can be easily implemented.


1. The first step is to create a Web Content structure with fields for our web content and documents. Make sure the “Documents and Media” field is set to be repeatable so that we can add multiple documents.



2.  Create a template with this code. Note that the field names from my structure are HtmlField and DocumentsAndMediaArray and that I am using Lexicon Experience language to display the documents as cards.


3. Now that we’ve created our structure and template, it’s time to start adding the web content and documents.


4. In this example I am going to add a Spanish version of my web content, as well as Spanish versions of my documents. Click on the language selector button to start this process.


5. Once the Web Content article has been translated and published, all that remains now is to drop it on a page. It will appear as follows.


6. When it comes to delivering content based on a user’s preferred language, there are a number of options, such as picking up the preferred language in the user’s Liferay profile or web browser. Here, I am allowing the user to manually select their preferred language from a Liferay Language Selector widget placed on the page.


7. Clicking on the Spanish flag gives us the following.


And that’s all there is to it! This example is all you need to allow non-technical users to add localised documentation to a website. It should also serve as a good starting point to address more elaborate business requirements.