Content publishing updates

Here you can read the latest features added by Content Publishing team, which are avaible in the Q4 release. Please do not forget using Feature flags to test all of them. 

  • LPS-187182: Improve Review Changes experienceCLOSED

    • In the portal, Site Administrators are able to create different User Experiences for Pages. Publications can publish these Experiences. However it can be confusing for “Publication Reviewers” that they can not review changes introduced in all the Experiences, which are going to be published. Here we added the ability to “Publication Reviewers” to view changes added in all the Experiences which are going to be published.


  • LPS-187429: Provide on-demand user access to review changes in PublicationsBETA

    • Sometimes the changes added to a publication needs to be reviewed by someone, who is not a member of the site. The goal here was to make unauthenticated users able to review changes within a publication. For this we implemented a mechanism to generate a code, which can be used to access the “Review Changes” screen of a certain publication. Also this link could be easily invalidated/generated anytime by authenticated “Publication Reviewers”.


  • LPS-177995: Allow users to move changes between PublicationsBETA

    • The goal here was to make the users able to move changes between publications. This is needed because sometimes users do not want to publish an entire publication, but also do not want to revert the changes which will not be published actually. With this feature users can move changes from one publication to another, creating subsets of changes, and publish them separately. For readers with technical knowledge: this is similar to cherry-pick-ing a commit in git from one branch to another.



  • LPS-147671: Make it easy to determine whether an application will save into a publicationCLOSED

    • Some applications do not support Publications. That situation can be really confusing when users try to use one of these applications, while inside a publication, and expect it to work together with Publications. We are aiming to make the user experience of the portal during publication as smooth as possible, so we decided to add a mechanism which provides the users with information if they start using one of these apps.