Community Roundup

Updates from around the Liferay community!

  • Don't forget to take the CMS Market Survey.  It would be awesome if Liferay is well represented here.  Takes about 20 minutes and can be anonymous (but if you give your email address, you'll be emailed an advance copy of the report).
  • Liferay IDE makes top 25 all time Eclipse plugins by download list!  Nice work!
  • Upcoming Liferay LIVE sessions include: Hudson+Liferay+Selenium, AlloyUI, Staging, Community Roadmap.  Please register to attend these free live community events. If you wish to present on a topic to the wider Liferay community, you're more than welcome to do so, just let me know!
  • Vertigo is hosting the latest Liferay Roadshow in Rio de Janeiro this week (Nov 24). After that, we take a break for the upcoming holiday season.  More shows are planned for next year though, so stay tuned.
  • I am constantly seeing job opportunities posted through various streams (Twitter, other open source communities) seeking Liferay experience.  I can't possibly post them all but I highly recommend you to subscribe to these channels if you're in the market.  Community participation is always a valued "skill" :)
  • A Brief History: 35 Years of Open Source Software is a nice trip down memory lane for open source. Listen to the audio or just flip through the slides.
  • Devoxx 2010 was held last week, with a major announcement being that the JSRs that make up JDK's 7 and 8 were officially submitted. Apple also announced it is donating most of its JDK-on-Mac code to the OpenJDK project.  Cool.
  • Last week's Community Plugins: Organization Map, Organization Overview, Data Colada (yum!).
  • ICEfaces has recently released their last Beta 2 for ICEfaces 2.0 which will be the first release officially compatible with Liferay 6.  This is a little old news, but I think it's a nice example of two open source communities (Liferay, ICEfaces) coming together to workaround and ultimately fix an issue, and worthy of a shout-out.

That's for now.  Were making progress on community landing page revamp and will continue to migrate 5.2.3 tickets to 6.x (or closing if they've been fixed).  Cheers!

Hi James, thanks. Nice summary for community roundup.

By the way, the SVN server is down like

"Command: Update
Error: Can't connect to host '': No connection could be made because
Error: the target machine actively refused it.