Building In Upgrade Support

One of the things that I never really used in 6.x was the Liferay upgrade APIs.

Sure, I knew about the Release table and stuff, but it just seemed kind of cumbersome to not only to build out your code but on top of that track your release and support an upgrade process on top of all of that. I mean, I'm a busy guy and once this project is done I'm already behind on the next one.

When you start perusing the Liferay 7 source code, though, one thing you'll notice is that there is upgrade logic all over the place. Pretty much every portlet module includes an upgrade process to support upgrading from version "0.0.0" to version "1.0.0" (this is the upgrade process to change from 6.x to the new 7.x module version).

And you'll even find that some modules include upgrades from versions "1.0.0" to "1.0.1" to support the independent module versioning that was the promise of OSGi.

So now that I'm trying to exclusively build modules, I'm thinking it's an appropriate time to dig into the upgrade APIs and see how they work and how I can incorporate upgrades into my modules.

The New Release

So previously we'd have to manage the Release entity ourselves, but Liferay has graciously taken that over for us. Your bnd.bnd file, where you specify your module version, well that now becomes the foundation of your Release handling. And just like the portal module, an absense of a Release is technically version "0.0.0" so now you can handle first-time deployment stuff too.

The Upgrade API

Before diving into implementation, let's take a little time to look over some of the classes and interfaces Liferay provides as part of the Upgrade API. We'll start with the classes from the com.liferay.portal.kernel.upgrade package:

Name Purpose
UpgradeStep This is the main interface that must be implemented for all upgrade logic. When registering an upgrade, an ordered list of UpgradeSteps are provided and the upgrade process will execute these in order to complete an upgrade.
DummyUpgradeStep The simplest of all concrete implementations of the UpgradeStep interface, this upgrade step does nothing. But it is a useful step to use for handling new deployments.
UpgradeProcess This is a handy abstract base class to use for all of your upgrade steps. It implements the UpgradeStep interface and has support for database-specific alterations should you need them.
Base* These are abstract base classes for upgrade steps typically used by the portal for managing upgrades from portlet wars to new module-based portlets. For example, the BaseUpgradePortletId class is used to support fixing the portlet ids from older id-based portlet names to the new OSGi portlet ids based on class name. These classes are good foundations if you are building an upgrade process to move your own portlets from wars to bundles or want to handle upgrades from 6.x compatibility to 7.x.
util.* For those wanting to support a database upgrade, the com.liferay.portal.kernel.upgrade.util package contains a bunch of support classes to assist with altering tables, columns, indexes, etc.

Registering The Upgrade

All upgrade definitions need to be registered. That's pretty easy, of course, when one is using OSGi. To register an upgrade, you just need a component that implements the UpgradeStepsRegistrator interface.

But first a word about code structure...

So Liferay's recommendation is to use a java package to contain all of your upgrade code, typically in a package named upgrade, is part of your portlet web module, and the package is at the same level as your portlet package (if you have one).

So if your portlet code is in com.example.myapp.portlet, you're going to have a com.example.myapp.upgrade package.

In here you'll have sub-packages for all upgrade versions supported, so you might have "v1_0_0" and "v1_0_1", etc.  Upgrade step implementations will be in the subpackage for the upgrade level they support.

So now we have enough details to start building out the upgrade definition. Start by updating your build.gradle file to introduce a new dependency:

  compileOnly group: "com.liferay", name: "com.liferay.portal.upgrade", version: "2.3.0"

This pulls in some utility classes we'll be using below.

Let's assume we're building a brand new module and just want to get a placeholder upgrade definition in place. This is quite easily done by adding a single component to our project:

@Component(immediate = true, service = UpgradeStepRegistrator.class)
public class ExampleUpgradeStepRegistrator implements UpgradeStepRegistrator {
  protected void activate(final BundleContext bundleContext) {
    _bundleName = bundleContext.getBundle().getSymbolicName();
  public void register(Registry registry) {

    // for first time deployments this will start by creating the initial release record
    // with the initial version of 1.0.0.
    // Also use the dummy upgrade step since we're not doing anything in this upgrade.
    registry.register(_bundleName, "0.0.0", "1.0.0", new DummyUpgradeStep());
  private String _bundleName;

So that's pretty much it.  Including this class in your component will result in it registering as a Release with version 1.0.0 and you have nothing else to worry about.

When you're ready to release verison 1.1.0 of your component, things get a little more fun.

In your v1_1_0 package you'll create classes that implement the UpgradeStep interface typically by extending the UpgradeProcess abstract base class or perhaps a more appropriate class from the above table. Either way you'll define separate classes to handle different aspects of the upgrade.

We'd then come back to the UpgradeStepRegistrator implementation to add the upgrade steps by including another registry call:

    registry.register(_bundleName, "1.0.0", "1.1.0", new UpgradeMyTableStep(), new UpgradeMyDataStep(), new UpgradeMyConfigAdmin());

When processing this upgrade definition, the Upgrade service will invoke the upgrade steps in the order provided.  So obviously you should take care to order your steps such that they can succeed given only what steps have been processed before and not on subsequent steps.

Database Upgrades

So one of the common issues with Service Builder modules is that the tables will be created when you first deploy the module to a new environment, but updates will not be processed. I think we could argue on one side that it is a bug or on the other side that expecting Service Builder to track data model changes is far outside of the tool's responsibility.

I'm not going to argue it either way; we are where we are, and solving from this point is all I'm really worried about.

As I previously stated, the com.liferay.portal.kernel.upgrade.UpgradeProcess is going to be the perfect base class to accommodate a database update.

UpgradeProcess extends com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.db.BaseDBProcess which brings the following methods:

  • hasTable() - Determines if the listed table exists.
  • hasColumn() - Determines if the table has the listed column.
  • hasColumnType() - Determines if the listed column in the listed table has the provided type.
  • hasRows() - Determines if the listed table has rows (in order to provide logic to migrate data during an upgrade).
  • runSQL() - Runs the given SQL statement against the database.

UpgradeProcess itself has two upgradeTable() methods both of which add a new table to the database.  The difference between the two, one is simple and will create a table based on the name and a multidimensional array of column detail objects, the second one has additional arguments for fixed SQL for the table, indexes, etc.

Additionally UpgradeProcess has a number of inner support classes to facilitate table alterations:

  • AlterColumnName - A class to encapsulate details to change a column name.
  • AlterColumnType - A class to encapsulate details to change a column type.
  • AlterTableAddColumn - A class to encapsulate details to add a new column to a table.
  • AlterTableDropColumn - A class to encapsulate details to drop a column from a table.

Let's write a quick upgrade method to add a column, change another column's name and another column's type.  To facilitate this, our class will extend UpgradeProcess and will need to implement a doUpgrade() method:

public void doUpgrade() throws Exception {
  // create all of the alterables
  Alterable addColumn = new AlterTableAddColumn("COL_NEW");
  Alterable fixColumn = new AlterColumnType("COL_NEW", "LONG");
  Alterable changeName = new AlterColumnName("OLD_COL_NAME", "NEW_COL_NAME");
  Alterable changeType = new AlterColumnType("ENTITY_PK", "LONG");

  // apply the alterations to the MyEntity Service Builder entity.
  alter(MyEntity.class, addColumn, fixColumn, changeName, changeType);
  // done

So the alterations are based on your ServiceBuilder entity but otherwise you don't have to worry much about SQL to apply these kinds of alterations to your entity's table.


Using just what has been provided here, you can integrate a smooth and automatic upgrade process into your modules, including upgrading your Service Builder's entity backing tables since SB won't do that for you.

Where can you find more details on doing some nitty-gritty upgrade activities? Why, the Liferay source of course.  Here's a fairly complex set of upgrade details to start your review:



My good friend and coworker Nathan Shaw forwarded me a reference that I think is worth adding here.  Thanks Nathan!

[...] Julian Pfeil: Why doesn't deploying the new module version update/re-create the table? Support for this has been removed. It was always buggy anyway for SB to determine what really needed to change... [...] Read More
[...] That functionality was deprecated in Liferay 7 since it didn't work very well. Instead you are encouraged to build out actual upgrade logic:... [...] Read More

So we need to have two jar files? One to activate/register the module (from 0.0.0 to 1.0.0), and second to do the upgrade steps? What if I have a new module, which doesn't exist, and I want to upgrade him later using upgrade:execute? To register the upgrade step I need to have a module already registered, otherwise, the upgrade step won't be recognized.

Not sure I understand your question...

The upgrade process should be tied to the module that you want to upgrade, because we're inherently changing the version number of the module. So when you define the 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 version, the end result is that the module will be 1.0.1.

I have been known to create a separate module w/ an upgrade process defined that invoked other services (i.e. to create users, roles, pages, etc) and in that case the module still is tracking its own version, but this won't really apply to your SB module since you're trying to manage DB changes along with your new entity changes...

I don't have an SB module. I just created a simple UpgradeStepRegistrator class with few steps, but they are not working, because I don't have a record in the Release_ table. So my question is, how to register a module in the Release_ table, before adding an upgrade process.

Do you have a registration for "0.0.0" -> whatever version you're at?

The upgrade process system assumes that no record is equivalent to "0.0.0" so you need that initial step (even if it is a dummy step) to get your Release_ entry created and started.

If, for example, you only defined a "1.0.0" -> "1.0.1" upgrade process, it effectively would never run because the current version (since there is no Release_ entry yet) is "0.0.0" and there's no way to go from there to any of the other versions.