Announcing the Liferay Portal Administrator's Guide, Third Edition

With great (relief? fanfare?) enthusiasm, I am happy to announce the availability of the Liferay Portal Administrator's Guide, Third Edition. Now coming in at a more hefty 313 pages, this is the best Admin Guide that we have ever released. It's been updated to cover Liferay 5.2.x, which means coverage of the Liferay Control Panel. It also includes a new chapter on Liferay's collaboration suite, in addition to hundreds of other improvements, including an expanded performance tuning section.

Thanks are due not only to the many Liferay-ers who helped me out with technical details (your names are listed in the front of the book), but also to the many members of the Liferay community who have been so good with feedback and wiki articles. Seriously, the book would not be nearly as complete as it is without you. I think we are doing amazing things together and providing a great piece of software that can serve everybody from the largest corporation to the smallest non-profit.

You can go to our documentation page here to get it.

Third Edition

Great Job Rich!

The new contents of this edition are awesome: Control Panel, Performance Tuning, Collaboration Suite, ... wow!
Thank you for making this happen, Rich. The effort needed to create documentation is so often under-appreciated... so know that we value your hard work!
Great documentation, Rich!

Though, if I may come up with some criticism, it would be great with an updated documentation on how to deploy Liferay on an existing Tomcat 5.5. As this Wiki article states, the 5.1 documentation falls short in some places and I can't see that the info is updated for 5.2:

And also, wasn't the settings for data sources and mail moved from $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml into portal(-ext).properties? I might be wrong, but that's how I understand it from this upgrade article:

Anyway, very nice documentation!
Ehm, doh. I see the reason for why you might have kept the Tomcat specific configuration details:

"It's still possible to use application server specific datasources and pools if desired by using certain configuration properties."

Nicely covered chapter on installation. I had liferay portal running on my existing JBoss 5.1 in a short time and without much hiccup.

I found something and thought of sharing it so that it may help others, become part of errate (if it qualifies) and maybe gets into next reprint as well....

If i try to deploy the liferay portal in a context other than root (say portal-liferay), i had to make a small change in the ${JBoss-HOME}/server/defauult/deploy/portal-liferay.war/WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml file. I had to change the context-root tag look like following:


HTH somebody!