Announcement: Liferay Faces 3.1.0-RC2 Released

On behalf of Liferay, I'm pleased to announce the latest release of Liferay Faces:

  • Liferay Faces 3.1.0-RC2 (Compatible with Liferay 6.1.x)
  • Liferay Faces 3.0.0-RC2 (Compatible with Liferay 6.0.x)

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RC2 Status

The release has been designated RC2 (instead of GA1) because there have been significant changes since the release of RC1, and we wanted to be able to give the community time to kick the tires and provide feedback:

  1. FACES-1307: The new liferay-faces-bridge-api.jar artifact has replaced portlet-bridge-api.jar from Apache MyFaces
  2. FACES-1349: The new liferay-faces-util.jar artifact contains common classes/interfaces (see issue details for repackaging and renaming of classes)
  3. FACES-1286: The Public Render Parameters IPC feature has been modified in order to properly comply with the requirements of the JSR 329 Specification.
  4. FACES-1346: The new test/bridge-tck/bridge-tck-runner project provides run the JSR 329 TCK, and 100% of the TCK tests are passing in Liferay 6.1 and Pluto 2.0.3.

Release Highlights

We've been busy since the release of RC1 (about 45 days ago). The release notes provide summary of over 100 resolved issues, and as shown in the chart below, we've really gotten ahead of the curve.

Thanks to everyone in the community that reported issues, contributed patches, and participated in the forums!