AlloyUI 3 Released: Bye Bye YUI

Our latest official release (2.5.0) made in April  introduced a lot improvements  in terms of documentation and bug fixes .  Since then we made public some few preview releases in June and July.
Now, we're happy to  announce the release of AlloyUI 3.0.0 stable!
As always, this version can be found on the CDN or it can be  downloaded as a .zip archive .
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"></link>

Also the AlloyUI website has also been updated to reflect the changes in this release.


What's the big news?

As you may know, Yahoo! decided to stop new development on YUI and this affect us a lot.
This will be our last release using YUI, since  we decided to switch to jQuery for future versions. But until that day arrives, we  have some pretty excited news to share.
All modules have been improved to work well on mobile devices (AUI-1294), a big effort around accessibility  has started (AUI-1347), all dependencies are now being fetched using Bower (AUI-1213), each module now lists its changelog in the file (AUI-1273), a huge number of unit tests were added (AUI-1275), and  the  Rosetta Stone guide  has been updated.

Bootstrap and YUI updated

Starting from our dependencies, YUI has been updated from version 3.16 to 3.18. Nothing really interesting here, just a bunch of bug fixes (go to their releases page for full changelog).

We finally updated Bootstrap from version 2.3.2 to 3.2.0 and this brings a lots of improvements. Grids have been changed to provide a mobile first approach, shadows have been dropped in favor to flat design, and image sprites have been replaced by font icons (go to their releases page for full changelog).


New modules introduced

Some new utilities have been added such as undo/redo, palette, surface (which originated SennaJS), and cancellable promises.

Also few pretty useful widgets have been implemented such as Affix, Alert, Color Picker, Dropdown, Scrollspy, and Menu. If you're curious about this, go to our website to read more details and play with the interactive demos.


Automated tasks switched from Grunt to Gulp

Some of you may be familiar with Gulp and some of you may not. Task runners are small applications that are used to automate many of the time consuming, boring tasks that you have to do while developing. 

When we moved from Ant to Grunt, we had a huge performance improvement. But we didn't stop there, we want to provide the most productive workflow possible for those who contribute to our project. Gulp is based on streams and this gives you more control over your flow and relieves you of temporary folders and files.


And more!

There were a total of 975 commits for this upcoming release by 24 contributors, you can check the detailed changelog by using the GitHub Comparison to version 2.5.0 or by checking our files located in each module.

Great news!
Any chance that it will be backported to LR6.2 EE?
Unfortunately not Remis, the migration from BT2 to BT3 is kind of painful.

There are so tools to help you out though:
Can Alloy 3.0 be used inside of Liferay?

If not then this only helps people working on projects outside of Liferay.
AlloyUI 3 is being used on Liferay Portal's master branch right now. But you're right this release is mostly targeted to projects outside of Liferay.
Great News! Any timeline on AlloyUI4 with jQuery? Early or late 2015?
Is there a way to somehow install AUI 3.0 into Liferay 6.2?