4.3.5 Released

4.3.5 is the latest stable and recommended production release from Liferay.

Release Notes: http://support.liferay.com/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10014&styleName=Html&version=10260

SVN Tag:

This release includes more bug fixes. Most notable is that this fixes the problem with compiling large JSP files in WebLogic and some JVMs. This also fixes the plugin installer path issue for some Linux distributions. This is our last maintenance release for 4.3.x. We're now getting ready to branch 4.4.x to get ready for the 4.4.0 release due out in mid December.

The next 4.4.0 release will include many new features including Organization Roles (similar to Community Roles), allow a user to belong to more than one Organization, and many other new features that we'll blog about once its out.

Thanks everyone!