
There are people using and developing with Liferay Portal all around the globe and that means that, although there is a whole universe of different scenarios addressed and solutions built upon Liferay Portal, there is a chance that someone is facing a similar challenge that you are or you may have experienced.

Helping others encourages them to help others in turn (probably even you in the future), and that builds a greater and stronger community.

Getting Started

There are several ways to participate in ongoing conversations: Ask, Slack, Blog Posts and User Groups.

Depending on your case, you may want to share your experience with the rest of our community.


Liferay Ask uses four categories for different scenarios and development related activities.  Liferay Portal and Liferay Commerce have their own categories that can be used for finding specific help on installing and using the products.  The Development category is for any questions surrounding any development related tasks for either Liferay Commerce or Liferay Portal.  The General category is for everything else such as topics related to User Groups and general community questions.

Before asking a question always try to do a search to find if someone already posted a similar case to yours, maybe it’s even solved already!



Slack is the powerful and popular way to keep quick conversations and reach to other developers for asynchronous and volatile interaction.

Although it always seems that Slack is the first place to ask questions, remember that conversations and information shared this way will eventually be lost. So, if you find yourself writing a lot of explanations, giving a lot of context, or thinking that this may be useful even in the mid or long term, consider posting it to Liferay Ask, or even a blog post and then sharing that URL in slack afterwards.

You can also have direct private conversations with other members, although it’s always better to have public conversations as they may be useful for others too, or others could add more info and their own experiences to the conversations.

Slack is also organized into channels so that the conversations and information can be kept together.  Join the channels that you are interested in, and always try to post questions or information on the ones more aligned with the topic you want to talk about.

Please take special care with your tone, and always be respectful with others, taking into account that you are interacting with people from all over the world with different cultures and habits.

Also, please avoid using global notifications as @here, @channel or @everyone because it will notify everyone who is a member of that channel.


Blog Posts

Have you developed an interesting customization with Liferay portal? Maybe you have found a better alternative to what’s documented to do something? You have a trick or workaround to some usual task? Or perhaps you just want to share some experience that could be useful for others? Write about it!

Just head to the Liferay Blog page and look for the “New Entry” button at the top of the page.

You can save a draft of your article and come back to review it as many times as you like. Once you are done, submit it for publication and we will receive a notification and reveiw it and then it will be available for everyone.


Liferay User Groups

If you want to break the digital and remote walls and de-virtualize some of the faces behind ask, slack channels or blog post authors, consider looking for a Liferay User Group meetup near you, and join them in any of the periodic meetups.

If there are no Liferay User Group (LUG) near you, you can join the Dev.life sessions (our global virtual LUG online).

Or, if you know there is a good bunch of developers working with Liferay in your area, you could also consider creating a new group. Reach out to us on Slack and we will be glad to help you to get it started.