Jamie Sammons | 14 Jun 2024

Download options Liferay Portal and Liferay Commerce share the same Bundle and Docker image.  To get started using either Liferay Portal or Liferay Commerce, choose the best download option suited for your environment below. Docker image To use Liferay Portal 7.4 GA120: docker run -it -p 8080:8080 liferay/portal: Bundles and other download...

David H Nebinger | 13 Jun 2024

In my last blog, Creating a React Client Extension, I basically built a React-based SPA that was hosted on Liferay. And I got to thinking that we really aren't sharing just how great Liferay is to host Javascript-based SPAs in any framework, be it React, Angular, Vue.js or others. So I thought I'd take some time to share with Javascript developers some reasons why...

Victor Ware | 13 Jun 2024

Java 8 was released to the world in March 2014. For the last decade, Liferay has been creating tools for users to build crafted, powerful solutions leveraging the Java 8 ecosystem. Even though we have also supported Java 11 runtime for the last 5+ years, our baseline for Portal/DXP’s development has remained on Java 8. However, the industry is moving on from Java 8. Many of the...

Olivia Yu | 23 May 2024

The Challenge The Search Bar widget is equipped with an autocomplete functionality that is capable of providing standard suggestions and suggestions that work with search blueprints. Currently, this feature works on the default Search Bar component that is rendered with React, but there is no version available for the widget template. The Search team has received several requests...

David H Nebinger | 16 May 2024

Just a short one today... I happened to be researching Object Validations and I saw an interesting note posted here: To quote (in case the content gets changed): IMPORTANT As of DXP 2024.Q2/Portal 7.4 GA120,...

andreA Daza | 14 May 2024

Cuando trabajamos Liferay con OSGi, nos encontramos con la posibilidad de poder manejar nuestros portlets de react como módulos independientes, esto hace que debamos definir en cada módulo las dependencias que se necesitan y en cada módulo definimos nuestros propios Componentes. En nuestro proyecto queríamos compartir componentes personalizados entre diferentes portlets, ya...

David H Nebinger | 10 May 2024

So I was starting a new workspace yesterday, issued my normal command: $ blade init projectname Error: The command init is missing required parameters. The following option is required: [-v | --liferay-version] The Liferay product to target. Typing "more" will show all product versions. 1: dxp-2024.q1.6 2: dxp-2023.q4.9 3: portal-7.4-ga112 4: dxp-2023.q3.9 5: dxp-7.3-u36 6:...

Sai Tejesh | 09 May 2024

There might be a scenario to create web content in multiple languages available on portal. But we are aware of the structure but not able to create the content jus with the create request for web content. This can be solved by adding few parameters to the request body.   We need to add what are the available languages in the portal as  "availableLanguages":...

Fabian Bouché | 03 May 2024

I'd like to share with you my current procedure, with some manual steps, to create a quarterly release workspace in Liferay Dev Studio. Update blade In a command line window, run blade update. Create a Liferay Workspace Quarterly releases do not appear in the dropdown. Just pick any Liferay DXP 7.4 version and don't download the bundle. Update settings.gradle ...

Neil Griffin | 26 Apr 2024

Spring Framework Compatibility Version Release Date Description   5.3.4 April 26, 2024 AD For use with Spring Framework 5.3.x (tested with 5.3.34) Release Notes 5.2.5 April 26, 2024 AD For use with Spring Framework 5.2.x (tested with 5.2.25) Release Notes ...

David H Nebinger | 24 Apr 2024

Liferay is busy working on updating the Node version used by the Gradle plugins in the Gradle Workspace from Node 16.13.0 (or 16.15.1 depending upon where you look) to Node 20.12.2. I'm told that this update is only supposed to apply to new versions of Liferay greater than GA117 and U117 (which means the upcoming 2024.Q2 release and later). I'm also told that it only...

David H Nebinger | 25 Apr 2024

Introduction I was recently asked whether it is possible to migrate from HCL DX™ to Liferay DXP. I think the expected response was "no", because they seemed shocked when I said it was possible. Let's ride along with Mr. Peabody and Sherman in the Wayback Machine to review some history and understand why migration is possible... Set the Wayback Machine for...

David H Nebinger | 15 Apr 2024

Introduction In my recent blog, Introduction to Liferay Objects, I used Objects and Liferay OOTB facilities to have a list of Course Registrations and UI interfaces for submitting a new Course Registration, listing them, and for admin users the ability to approve or deny them. It worked well, but it didn't handle maybe some expected requirements. For example, the...

David H Nebinger | 10 Apr 2024

Just a quick post today to highlight the Liferay Circles of Success Meetups! It’s a meetup group hosted by my friends and Liferay experts, Andrew Jardine, Chris Mount, JR Houn and Eddie Chow. They have upcoming sessions on migrating to React widgets and Liferay Auditing. I'm sure there will be more future sessions to cover a range of Liferay topics! Join the group...

Vitaliy Koshelenko | 11 Apr 2024

Introduction Liferay Objects is a cool no-code feature that allows us to define full-featured entities - integrated with all Liferay Frameworks and providing auto-generated Headless API for accessing and updating objects information. Liferay Forms is a powerful Liferay tool, providing a lot of possibilities for building and configuring custom forms with advanced rules...

Sai Tejesh | 05 Apr 2024

Recently, these was a scenario when the third party wants to use liferay application as IDP, but as per the liferay documentation it needs a metadata xml file to be uploaded with respect to Service Provider. But unfortunately the SP does not have an option to generate the xml or URL that provides it. So we have done that by using a simple tool...

David H Nebinger | 05 Apr 2024

Introduction So I've been working on my Objects Rule! series and have been working on an app I plan on showing off soon, but I realized that there is probably a gap explaining, well, how do you get started? I mean, it's one thing to go and check the client extensions sample repo here:,...

David H Nebinger | 30 Mar 2024

Introduction I recently advocated for the demise of the specialized Liferay IDEs/IDE Plugins. Advocating for them to be decommissioned is one thing, but sharing how you can live without them can be another thing... So I thought I'd blog about how you can use a vanilla, off the shelf version of Eclipse/Intellij along with Blade & Gradle to accomplish similar...

Chris Mount | 28 Mar 2024

The first thing we always examine when troubleshooting any issue is the log files and the same is true with an Elasticsearch cluster. However, Elasticsearch also provides an excellent robust set of Rest APIs as well. These APIs are extremely helpful in understanding details about the cluster that are not present in the logs, such as number of shards, size of indexes, unassigned...

Brian C. Lee | 04 Apr 2024

This quarter we worked hard to deliver several improvements for Publications, especially around usability when conflicts are present and after upgrades: We are constantly working on improving the performance of Publications. We have implemented improvements for Timeline and Conflict checking screens (LPD-11230) and also the reverting mechanism received a significant...