Liferay Screens meets React Native, the sequel

First of all, for those of you who don't know about Liferay Screens. Liferay Screens is a component library based on components called Screenlets. A screenlet is a visual component that you insert into your native app to leverage Liferay’s content and services, allowing you to create complex native applications for iOS and Android very fast. Awesome, isn’t it?

BUT, Do you need to create the SAME application for iOS and Android, with the SAME features twice? Ok, with screenlets it does not take too much time because most of the boring logic is encapsulated inside the screenlet and you only need to connect the dots. But it could be fantastic to have only one project and share the code of the two platforms.

How can we make this possible? Have you heard about React Native?


As you may know, React Native is a framework that allows you to create native applications (Android and iOS) in javascript using React. This avoids the necessity of having to maintain two different codebases, one per platform. It’s based on components, so the screenlets concept suits very well in React.

Long time ago, when ReactNative was released, we made a first proof of concept with some of the screenlets available at that moment. Now, we have came back to this idea and we have made another proof of concept. This one will feature all our brand new and more complex screenlets and, yes, Android is supported too.

With this prototype we aim to provide a solution to make mobile apps development faster (yeah, even more!) with React Native, so we could use the screenlets the same way you would use any react native component, like a Button component. Great! Do you want to see how it works? Take a look of the next video, it shows you how to use our library in React Native.

As you can see in the video, the use of screenlets from React Native are very easy. You only have to instantiate the screenlet that you want to use, give it a style with height and width because otherwise the screenlet will not show; and if you consider it appropriate handle the events that the screenlet will send.

To handle an event you have to specify a callback function that manage the mentioned event. E.g., in LoginScreenlet you can handle the event onLoginSuccess to handle when the user log in correctly.

Of course, the attributes (known as props in React) of the screenlets depends on the screenlet that will use, so some screenlets will have required attributes, e.g., the UserPortraitScreenlet needs the userId attribute.
To use all of this functionality in your react project, you have to configure your project following the steps of this video. Also, in the project’s README you can find a description of main steps to configure your react native project.

What is the status of the project?

For now this is a prototype. Even so,  ALL screenlets are available in React Native. In total, we have 21 screenlets in Android and 22 in iOS (the fileDisplayScreenlet is only available from iOS). To play with them, we recommend use the most common screenlets, like ImageGalleryScreenlet which show an image gallery, the UserPortraitScreenlet, the CommentListScreenlet to show a comments list of an asset and, of course, the LoginScreenlet, but you can use whatever you want.
So you can explore and tinker with them. Here you have the project.

How it works ?

We don’t want to bore you with technical details. Basically explained, we made a bridge, we built one side of the bridge in the native part, and the other side in the React Native part so it allows communication between them and render the screenlets.

What now?

Well, now it depends on you. You have the project to play with. We are open to suggestions and feedback. Honestly, we are very happy with the result for now.

Thanks for reading.
